英语人>网络例句>接受 相关的搜索结果


与 接受 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

2 Any notice required or permitted hereunder shall be in writing and shall be deemed given as of the date it is: delivered by hand; by overnight or next day delivery; received by Registered or Certified Mail, postage prepaid, return receipt requested; or received by facsimile, as can be presumptively demonstrated by return fax or letter demonstrating successful facsimile transmission; and addressed to the party to receive such notice at the address and/or facsimile telephone number set forth below, or such other address as is subsequently specified to the notifying party by the receiving party in writing.

11.2 本协议项下所有通知应当以书面形式为之,并且在下列情况下视为已经交付:专人递送;经由隔日送达业务递送;由挂号邮件或保证邮件方式接受,邮资预付,需要回执;由传真接收,并回传真或信函证明已经成功发送;通知应当按照下列地址送交当事人,或按照下列电话号码传送,或者按照接受一方最近书面通知的地址或号码为准

In Smad pathway, by using cyclohexamide and proteosome inhibitor MG132, we showed that BMP-2 significantly increased inhibitory Smad ( i.e., Smad7) and down-regulated the half-life and protein levels of TbetaRI by poly-ubiquitination and proteosomal degradation.

在 Smad 讯息路径中,藉由转译抑制剂,cycloheximide 以及 proteosome 抑制剂,MG-132的刺激,我们发现第二型骨头成形蛋白可显著增加抑制型 Smad:Smad7的表现,使第一型乙型转形生长因子接受器走向 ubiquitin-proteosome 的水解路径,进而降低第一型乙型转形生长因子接受器的半衰期及蛋白质表现。

The Bank of England has temporarily widened the range of securities it accepts to include less pukka bonds, such as asset-backed securities.


The Bank of England has temporarily widened the range of securities it accepts to include less pukka bonds, such as asset- back ed securities.


In SNA, a request unit sent only in reaction to a received request unit; for example, Quiesce Complete is the reply sent after receipt of Quiesce At End of Chain.


The change, which Spellings floated during an interview with USA TODAY's editorial board, could quiet critics and help make No Child Left Behind more palatable as Congress prepares to reauthorize it.


The change, which Spellings floated during an interview with USA TODAY's editorial board, could quiet critics and help make No Child Left Behind more palatable as Congress prepares to reauthorize it.


The change, which Spellings floated during an interview with USA TODAY's editorial board, could quiet critics and help make No Child Left Behind more palatable as Congress prepares to reauthorize it.


The new findings deepen our understanding of the molecular basis by which the brain controls which memories do and do not undergo reconsolidation.


The elevated risk for Medicaid and uninsured patients being diagnosed at an advanced stage of disease was seen for cancers in all anatomic areas of the colon, the rectosigmoid junction, and rectum. However, the researchers found that Medicare patients were just as likely to be diagnosed at an early stage as individuals with private insurance.


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Turn-button rigid clutch, cam band brake, and collapsed with a pressure type overload device.


Study on culture of osteoblasts from neonatal rat's calvaria in simulated weightlessness.


Removable side panels and an internal conduit system facilitate cable management.
