英语人>网络例句>接受 相关的搜索结果


与 接受 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Multiple trials is the basic concept of many parallel simulated annealing. It is to perform multiple trials at the same time to search acceptable solutions. The division simulated annealing with no communication and The clustering simulated annealing are two common types of parallel simulated annealing methods. The division simulated annealing with no communication makes each processor generate its own adjacent solution from its own current solution and compute the acceptance probability for a adjacent solution. Each of the processors searches solutions without communicating each other. Clustering simulated annealing makes each processor generate its own adjacent solution from a common current solution and compute the acceptance probability for each adjacent solution. Then, it decides which adjacent solution should be used to replace current solution according to a pre-specified rule.

许多平行模拟退火法之理论依据为多向试验,利用同一时间探索更多方向的试验来拓展搜寻的广度或深度,不进行沟通的分工模拟退火法(the division simulated annealing with no communication)以及丛集模拟退火法(the clustering simulated annealing)皆为平行化的模拟退火法,前者定义为各个处理器针对各自的起始解进行搜寻,产生各自的搜寻序列,在搜寻过程中处理器不进行任何沟通,各处理器仅针对自身之目前解进行搜寻;而后者定义为让所有处理器针对同一目前解进行运算搜寻各自的可能解,并各自决定其产出解之接受机率,最后根据事先决定之规则进行沟通比较,挑选其中一个可接受解取代目前解。

I can't accept your acceptance of our apology.


He will accept you, he will be accepting.


Among the students having the same learning style but receiving different teaching methods, the learning achievement showed a significant difference for those two learning styles of "accommodator" and "converger".


Methods 88 cases of CVA were randomly divided into 2 groups. 43 cases were treated by Salbutamol and Ketotifen, and 45 cases were treated by Penicillin and Syrup for acute bronchitis.

88例咳嗽变异性哮喘患儿,随机分为两组,治疗组 4 3例接受舒喘灵和酮替芬治疗,常规对照组 4 5例接受青霉素和急支糖浆治疗,治疗 3周,观察各组治疗效果。

Furthermore, the effect of adzuki bean experience could remain effective based on the accumulative number of eggs within 12 hours, but disappeared in 24 hours host-acceptance-test.

且在连续 12 小时的寄主接受度检验中,透过比较最终累积产卵量,仍然可以发现产卵於红豆经验的效应存在;连续 24 小时的寄主接受度检验中,此效应则消失。

The acceptance of the readers to the text can be achieved through three levels: expectation horizon , aesthetic distance and appealing fe.


The officials do not accept people's petition, if they do, they just behave affectedly .


The officials don't accept people's petition, if they do, they just behave affectedly.


The officials don't accept people's petition,if they do,they just behave affectedly.


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It seems likely that Kraft will return with a better offer.


But he'd rather burn off my feelers and watch me squirm.


He consistance of the population dissociation coefficient method andthe sample dissociation coefficient method for the calculation of structural reliabilityin solid rocket motors was reviewed.
