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与 捷克人 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Alphonse Mucha was born in 1860 in Ivancice, Moravia, which is near the city of Brno in the modern Czech Republic.

慕夏 波西米亚人,出生于1860捷克共和国 Moravia ,那是一个邻近Brno城市的地方。

Headquartered in Arras, France, Oldham employs 300 people, has seven service centers across France, and subsidiaries in Germany, the United Kingdom, Italy, Switzerland and Czech Republic.


The Czech Republic finished the match with ten men after Ujfalusi was sent off for a second bookable offence.


Two stages outside the park hosted an impressive roll-call of talent from across Europe with performances from Ireland's own much-loved chanteuse, Camille O'Sullivan, the irrepressible Sharon Shannon, the world-acclaimed Czech jazz trio, the Emil Viklicky Trio, Slovakian pop band SMILE, the 'etno-techno'folk band Trebunie Tutki from Poland, Jara Raja and a host of other musicians from around Europe.

来自全欧洲的歌手们在公园外的两个露天舞台上进行了激情表演。其中有爱尔兰国内最受欢迎的女歌手卡米尔·苏里文,激情四射的莎郎·莎侬,世界著名的捷克爵士三人组合Emil Viklicky,斯洛伐克的SMILE乐队,波兰的Trebunie Tutki电子民歌乐队,斯洛文尼亚的亚拉哈亚,以及一批来自欧洲各国的音乐家。

No, I 'm a conservative person, I prefer the Czech beauty.


In 955, however, German and Czech armies under the Holy Roman Empire's King Otto I destroyed a Magyar force near Augsburg.


To class these according to the place of publication and the language chiefly employed in their preparation: 228 are French (a certain number of which are published in Belgium, Switzerland, and other countries than France); 135, German; 88, Italian; 55, English; 13, Russian; 11, Dutch; 7, Flemish; 7, Spanish; 7, Croatian; 4, Swedish; 3, Portuguese; 2, Irish; 2, Hungarian; 1, Czech; 1, Polish; 1, Rumanian; 1, Dalmatian; and 1, Norwegian.

以一流的,这些根据地方的出版和语言,主要是雇用他们编制: 228是法国人(一定数量,其中发表在比利时,瑞士和其他国家比法国), 135人,德语; 88 ,意大利55 ,英语 13 ,俄罗斯11 ,荷兰7日,佛兰芒; 7 ,西班牙语7日,克罗地亚; 4 ,瑞典语; 3 ,葡萄牙语; 2 ,爱尔兰2 ,匈牙利1 ,捷克; 1 ,波兰1 ,罗马尼亚1 ,达尔马提亚以及1 ,挪威语。

The officials of Cetic Republic said two trains collided near the station, killing at least 43, some of them in critical condition.


Given Dennis's eccentric personality, it was no shock that Jiri "George" Svoboda, an immigrant from then communist Czechoslovakia and a monster underdog in most people's eyes, was selected.


The more heavily muscled began trading rapidly depreciating zlotys for dollars and D-Marks on the streets, while those less impressively physically endowed took to the trains and travelled throughout eastern Europe, carrying stockings to Romania, buying meat from Czechoslovakia and cameras from East Germany.


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It seems likely that Kraft will return with a better offer.


But he'd rather burn off my feelers and watch me squirm.


He consistance of the population dissociation coefficient method andthe sample dissociation coefficient method for the calculation of structural reliabilityin solid rocket motors was reviewed.
