英语人>网络例句>挖 相关的搜索结果

与 挖 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

All that old quarter of the Hales, which is like a city within a city, through which run the Rues Saint-Denis and Saint-Martin, where a thousand lanes cross, and of which the insurgents had made their redoubt and their stronghold, would have appeared to him like a dark and enormous cavity hollowed out in the centre of Paris.


TV laparoscopy was applied in 64 gynecology operations, including salpingectomy, salpin-gostomy, dilatation of fimbriae tubae, tubal ligation, ovariectomy, adnexectomy, ovariocystectomy, oophoro-plasty, ovariopuncture, hysteromyomectomv and so on.


Mr. McCaskey was scooping turnips out of his vest with a crooked forefinger, and his lady was wiping an eye that the salt of the roast pork had not benefited.


With the aid of his pickaxe, Dantès, after the manner of a labor-saving pioneer, dug a mine between the upper rock and the one that supported it, filled it with powder, then made a match by rolling his handkerchief in saltpetre.


With the aid of his pickaxe, Dantès, after the manner of a labor-saving pioneer, dug a mine between the upper rock and the one that supported it, filled it with powder, then made a match by rolling his handkerchief in saltpetre. He lighted it and retired


By now in the hopper sand how many changed to the draft control, when the advance must examine that in fights sand how many to decide, the advance backlash must be flexible, when the sand bed landslide mechanical work strenuous or does not draw wants the hauling rope to loosen, causes the ship to draw back backward, up to until digs moves.


Moreover drilling measures in different strata are pointed out,which are firstly drilling without slurry in part of silty clay layer,secondly adopting double-bottom bailing bit and bore directly and abandoning slurry with impact drilling rig in muddy clay layer,thirdly selecting short screw auger at low speed in gravel layer,finally choosing rock-socketed drilling tube in shaly sand layer.


Moreover drilling measures in different strata are pointed out, which are firstly drilling without slurry in part of silty clay layer, secondly adopting double-bottom bailing bit and bore directly and abandoning slurry with impact drlling rig in muddy clay layer, thirdly selecting short screw auger at low speed in gravel layer, finally choosing rock-socketed drilling tube in shaly sand layer.


"The biggest trend recently has been the basement boom," says Sandie Altman, managing director at Weldon Walshe, architects and interior designers."Most clients whenever they buy a property now think 'I must go down'."

"近期最热门的趋势就是地下室热潮,"建筑与装修设计公司Weldon Walshe的常务董事珊蒂·奥特曼称,"大多数客户现在购买房产时会想'我一定要下去'。"

Let's dig in the sandpit.


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You need to lie low for a while.


If you do, you may just be pleasantly surprised.


The philosophy of mathematics overlaps with metaphysics because some positions are realistic in the sense that they hold that mathematical objects really exist, whether transcendentally, physically, or mentally.

哲学的数学与形而上学的重叠,因为有些职位是现实的意义上,他们认为,数学物体真的存在,是否transcendentally ,身体或精神。