- 与 指责的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
He said: Those people who against me recuse me to bribre the government money, speak me take bribe when I was in cabinet.
A summer of calling out his teammates and the Lakers organization as a whole, the second-chance wooing and romancing of Bryant all summer looked like a redux of any given soap opera script in Hollywood.
Just to be clear, I'm not about to rehash the standard American complaint that Europe's taxes are too high and its benefits too generous.
The blame game and abandonment by some of his teammates and coach leads me to believe he's better off not rejoining the team.
I suppose I deserve that you should reprove my shortcomings.
Advertisers are often accused of trying too hard to sell to the young when much of the spending power is now concentrated in older age groups, but it is not a simple matter of moving "from rocking horse to rocking chair".
ISA proposed by Searle doesn't explain the cognitive environment of S and H respectively, thus it cannot explain why S takes round-about way to scold H and how H infers, and so forth.
He was, however, accused by all sides of conspiracy and by 1648 civil war erupted once again when the Long Parliament was reduced to the Rump Parliament and Cromwell's army forcibly removed 110 MPs from the House.
但是,他却受到协议各方的指责。1648年,内战重新爆发,这时Long Parliament被削减为尾闾议会,克伦威尔的军队将110名下院议员从下院强行赶了出来。
"When fans accuse me of sadism(13), which doesn't happen that often, I feel I'm toughening(14) them up to go on and read John and Stephen's books," she said.
Please, spare me any sanctimonious injunctions about her chosen way of life.
- 推荐网络例句
Plunder melds and run with this jewel!
My dream is to be a crazy growing tree and extend at the edge between the city and the forest.
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