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与 指标 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Obstacle in microcirculation,increase in whole blood viscosity and a change of platelets aggregation rate were observed after LPS/Ca treatment.Cruor parameters were significantly prolonged due to large consumption of cruor factors and platelets.


A study was conducted in the lab from April to June in 2000. Mnipponense were fed in different vitamin D3 diets for four weeks and in vitamin D2 and D3 (70001U/ I OOg) for three weeks. After four weeks, we measured the effect of vitamin D3 in diet on survival, moult, length and weight gain, and the effect of the content of Ca P in plasma, in curst, in muscle, and also measured the effect of vitamin D3 on RNA/DNA value, on protein content in plasma and AEC of muscle.

本研究于2000年4-6月间在实验室条件下,用不同含量的维生素D_3投喂日本沼虾(Macrobrachium,nipponense),饲养4周;用7000IU/100g饵料的维生素D_2和维生素D_3投喂日本沼虾,饲养3周后,测定了饵料中添加维生素D_3 对其存活率、蜕皮率、体长和体重的增长率等形态指标的影响;同时测定了虾血、虾壳和虾肌肉中的钙含量、磷含量以及维生素D对RNA/DNA值、血中蛋白含量和肌肉中的能荷的影响;并从上述指标的测定中,比较了饵料中添加维生素D_2和维生素D_3对日本沼虾生长的影响。

The new index is defined as Line Usage Curtailment, and a probabilistic model is used to calculate the index.


The cypsela of 6 genera (32 species) from eastern Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau were collected. The length, width and length/width of the cypsela were computed, then the relativity about the length, width, length/width of the cypsela and altitude were analyzed.


A new index reduction algorithm for large scale DAE systems was proposed.


The analysis will combine traditional performance metrics - such as daylight factor and avoidance of direct sunlight - with emerging metrics based on dynamic annual daylight simulations.


Theoretical research: To choose evaluation index of Kidney-yin deficiency animal model.1.1 To tally up clinical diagnostic standard and objective...

1.2 根据临床诊断标准和评价指标初步拟定肾阴虚证动物模型评价指标

Next,critical global existence exponent and critical Fujita exponent are proved for the half space problem to a doubly degenerate parabolic equation with nonlinear flux condition.


Methods Forty eight cases of senile dementia patients with deglutition disorder were randomly divided into control group (common diet, 24 cases) and fresubin energy fiber group (fresubin energy fiber nutrition, 24 cases). All patients were treated by comprehensive intervention therapy. The deglutition function(water-drinking test), body mass index, triceps skin fold, mid-arm circumference, mid-arm muscle circumference, hemoglobin, total protein, albumin, and the days of infection within 6 months were measured.

体例 选择合并吞咽功效障碍的老年性痴呆患者48例,随机分成瑞先组和斗劲组,接纳综合干与治疗后,不雅观察患者的营养状况,指标搜罗:体重指数、丈量肱三头肌皮褶厚度、上臂中围和臂中部肌围,以及6个月内发生相关感染的天数及其吞咽功效的改良情形(参考洼田氏饮水试验评价分级)等相关指标转变。

The data including demology characteristics were gathered by face-to-face questionnare, and it was measured that the anthropometric variables, blood pressure and biochemical characteristics.


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What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
