英语人>网络例句>指标 相关的搜索结果


与 指标 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

First, in the composite hypothesis testing, circular dispersion error which is more practicable than horizontal and vertical error is used to discuss some problems of the dispersion of impact points; and the critical area of decision in the dispersion problem is analyzed; the specific expression of Bayesian risk is worked out, which ameliorates the method that only can get the approximate solution by calculating numerical integration.


Under an infinite-horizon risksensitive cost criterion, the controller designed can guarantee an arbitrary small longterm average cost for arbitrary risk-sensitivity parameter and achieve boundedness in probability for the closed-loop system using the integrator backstepping methodology.


Methods:To find out the optimal processing technology of Betelnutpalm seed via sanhong wine through evaluating the protective effect on renal injury of lab animals induced by glycerol and gentamicin and applying orthogonal test designed based on the contents of arecoline.


This inspires us to use the method of localization at infinity of space to study the relevant index problems of coarse geometry.


This index system pays attention to the measurability of the indexes and the attainability of the data.


Results The tinnitus frequency, severity of subjective tinnitus, audiogram types and some items of function test above hearing threshold were significantly different in the five groups (P.05). Specific features of pure-tone test were found in the five groups: tinnitus frequency was low, whole- frequency hearing threshold high, audiogram even, short increment sensitivity index at 1 kHz high and tone decline at 4 kHz low in the syndrome of invasion of wind-heat; tinnitus frequency was high, high-frequency hearing loss common, audiogram abruptly descending, SISI and TD at 4 kHz high in the syndrome of liver-fire up-stirring; subjective tinnitus was loud, audiogram abruptly descending or gradually descending, SISI and 7W at 4 kHz low in the syndrome of stagnation of phlegm-fire; tinnitus frequency was high, subjective tinnitus low, audiogram markedly descending or hill-like, SISI and TD at 4 kHz high in the syndrome of kidney-essence deficiency; average hearing loss was less, audiogram irregular but abruptly descending or notched in most cases, SISI at 4 kHz low in the syndrome of weakness of spleen-stomach.

结果]耳鸣频率、自觉耳鸣程度、听力图类型及部分阈上功能测试指标在各证型间具有显著性差异(P.05),这些指标在不同的证型中表现出不同的特点:风热侵袭型的耳鸣频率较低,全频听阈升高,听力图多为平坦型,短增量敏感指数得分在1kHz较高,而4kHz音衰值较低;肝火上扰型的耳鸣频率较高,听力损失以高频为主,听力图多为陡降型,4kHz SISI得分及TD值均较高;痰火郁结型的自觉耳鸣响度较大,听力图以陡降型或缓降型为主,4kHz SISI得分及TD值均较低;肾精亏损型的耳鸣频率较高,而自觉耳鸣响度较低,听力图以显降型或山型为主,4kHz SISI得分及TD值均较高;脾胃虚弱型的平均听力损失较小,听力图无一定规律性,但以陡降型或切迹型为主,4kHz SISI得分较低。

Carefully study the quantitative relations of flotation knowledge from a large number of on-the-spot experiments, give the quantitative relations of fluorspar and sodium augite ore separately and use these relations as the foundation of adjusting technological regulation, define the technical and economical indexes of concentration plant, give the basic task and the structure of FICS based on ANN.


The tax payment appraised the system the appraisal method, mainly is through the use related mathematical model, establishes the tax payment appraisal target system and the target peak value system, carries on the automatic computation analysis to the data message, by discovers deviation to surpass prearranges the standard the questionable point factor, automatically screens the taxpayer by the computer which has the questionable point.


In the light of cost index and pollution degree, the characteristics of kinds of pulp are analyzed in detail, and the GP pulp which is low cost, high-yield, no-pollution is chosen as the material of tableware. Based on material element analyzed, shaping technology is designed, the to and for single plane shaping equipment which is high shaping quality, high production efficiency and is easy to automatize is chosen. All kinds of measure are taken to solve the problems which are inequality in the shaping process of GP pulp, and dosage which matches with GP pulp is chosen. Some ways of fixing shape and heat up are analyzed, the technology of saving energy of heat pressing to fix shape being composed of oil heat and only one fixed shape in the mold is applied, with which it is high production efficiency, low cost to fix shape effectively, which saves energy 30 percent. In order to make the production line meet with material of GP pulp, measure are taken to solve the problem of pulp adhered to netlike molding which can lead to carry material difficult, the structure of fully automatic equipment is renovated, the loaded beam is optimizationally designed to make equipment structure compactand improve location precision and products quality. According to technologic flow and actual characteristic, Omron PLC is chosen as the core of the control system, proximity switch as detect unit take the place of touch switch, software is designed reasonably according to time order figure, hardware is simplified, the reliability of system is advanced, the stability of system is assured to make production order. Intelligence neuron PID system is studied theoretically which is made up of both neuron with self-organizing and self-learning function and ordinary PID with the characteristic of the simple structure and high stability, which can automatically tune the parameter with the change of system parameter, remain perfect performance.

按成本指标和污染程度分析各浆料的特点,选择低成本、高得率、无污染的磨石机械浆为原料,在原料组分分析的基础上,设计成型工艺,选择成型质量好、生产率高、易实现自动化的往复式单板成型机,采取各种措施解决GP浆成型不均匀的问题及选择与机械浆相匹配的助剂;分析几种定型方式和加热方式,采用定型效果好、生产率高、成本低的油加热与模内一次性定型相结合的热压定型节能技术,节能30%;为了使生产线适应磨石机械浆原料,采取相应措施解决由于粘网造成物料转移困难,对全自动设备结构进行改进设计,着重对物料传送系统的关键部件——承载梁的进行优化设计,使设备更加紧凑合理,提高设备的定位精度和产品质量;根据生产线工艺流程和现场特点,选用OMRON CPM1A型PLC为主核心,接近开关作为检测元件,替代有触点开关,选用可编程终端代替常规面板按扭,并按照时序图科学合理地设计软件,有效地简化系统硬件构成,提高系统的可靠性,保证系统的稳定性,从而使生产更加通畅有序;从理论上探索将神经元应具有的自组织、自学习要求与PID控制结构简单、稳定性好的全自动纸浆模塑餐具生产线的研究特点结合起来,构成神经元自适应PID控制器,当参数的变化时,系统能自行参数整定,保持优良的工作性能指标,满足实际需求。

In this way the functional indexes such as productive capacity, quality of product, energy consumption and reliability and main indexes such as noise, heat preservation, convenient operation and auxiliary functional indexes are improved.


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What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
