英语人>网络例句>拿 相关的搜索结果

与 拿 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Studies have shown most people feel happier in a five-figure job where they are earning more than the majority of other people in the company than they do in a six-figure job where they are making significantly less than others, says Stan Smith, founder and CEO of Smith Economics Group Ltd., in Zwells book.

在Zwell的书中,Smith Economics Group公司创始人、首席执行官Stan Smith说,一些人五位数的工资,但他们的收入比公司多数人高,另一些人六位数工资,但他们的收入比公司多数人少,研究表明,前者比后者更快乐。

Studies have shown most people feel happier in a five-figure job where they are earning more than the majority of other people in the company than they do in a six-figure job where they are making significantly less than others, says Stan Smith, founder and CEO of Smith Economics Group Ltd., in Zwell's book.

在Zwell的书中 Smith Economics Group公司创始人、首席执行官Stan Smith说,过去研究已经表明在比多数人收入都高的公司里在五位数工资时人们要比在公司里比别人收入少许多的公司里六位数工资时会更快乐。

Take the most common usage, the host used to cushion the foot is very serious.


When you take your case to Washington, D.C., you're taking it to the criminal who's responsible; it's like running from the wolf to the fox.


It had a basket of fruit and flowers in one hand and a new piece of music in the other.


Odom said. Nobody. A garbage man, if he makes $8 one day, he at least wants to make $8 or $9 the next day.


In the image are two old men. One is a gray-bearded Catholic priest with a glass and a bottle of western wine, while the other is an old Chinese monk with a cup and a teapot, pouring out the tea for that priest.


The compass were placed in two rooms on the ground grandmother, speaking beam, under the watch floor tiles, floor tiles are to take each piece of foot Duo, each wall is to get your fingers tapping, inside and out steps to take the amount of the Lumbar Spinal get away to see two Grandma under the bed, inside black, touched her hand, a clatter to bed ...


And he shall take a censer full of coals of fire from the altar before Jehovah, with his hands full of finely ground sweet incense, and bring it inside the veil.

16:12 他要一个香炉,从耶和华面前的坛上盛满火炭,又一满捧捣细的馨香之香,都带入幔内

And go in a different road, issued footsteps do not like playing Months for example, are you in the ground that the map Shou-B Institute滑滑to hear the sound of water, do not I say we all know where the robbers had run to think about if your enemy in the footsteps of an effective About 19 meters away from where were you find so very sorry to meet him only you prepared at gunpoint, how in the gun and knife fighting opponent when it lost a few?

而且走在不同的路面,发出的脚步声也不一样,打个比方,你在地下研究所那个地图守B 听到滑滑的水声,不用我说大家也知道匪徒在什么地方乱跑了思考一下如果你的敌人在脚步的有效距离19米左右的地方就被你发现了那么很遗憾迎接他的只有你早有准备的枪口,试问在枪与刀的对手对打时,输掉的会有几个呢?

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What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
