英语人>网络例句>拼字 相关的搜索结果


与 拼字 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Perspective from history, from orthography, from literature and from sociology.


Paali is very close in grammar and orthography to the language of the inscriptions in what is now the Indian state of Uttarpradesh.

巴利文和现代印度 Uttarpradesh 邦所发现的碑文文字在文法及拼字方面是相当类似的。

OSW Official Scrabble Words by Darryl Francis, Philip Nelkon, Allan Simmons - SLIGHT CREASING TO LOWER FRONT CORNER - OVERALL VERY CLEAN AND GOOD ...

OSW官方拼字词达瑞尔弗朗西斯,菲利普Nelkon ,盛智西蒙斯-轻微皱为了降低前角-总体很干净和良好的。。。

It's an unforgettable word puzzler that'll take you on an adventure through 5 distant lands and 25 levels.


They are Xtreme Connection, which requires both regular people and celebrities to participate in a variety of challenges, including general knowledge, performance and physical activity; The Video Game, a daily quiz; The Spelling Game, which pits students at different levels against one another in a bee; Laugh-O-Meter, in which the studio audience helps to launch the career of a new stand-up comedian; and Wreckovery, which restores the wrecked cars of people whose livelihoods depend on their vehicles.

他们的Xtreme连接,这就需要经常人士和知名人士参加了各种挑战,包括一般知识,业绩和体育活动;视频游戏,每天测验;拼字游戏,这坑学生在不同层次上一在蜜蜂;笑氧仪,其中观众有助于启动职业生涯的一个新立喜剧演员;和Wreckovery ,其中恢复失事汽车的人的生计依赖于他们的车辆。

We begin a rabid game of scrabble.


The actual romanization of her name is Lamhirh, but we'll stick with the phonetic spelling of Rafeel for this review.

她的名字真实的 romanization 是 Lamhirh ,但是我们将会为这检讨以 Rafeel 的语言拼字黏住。

I mean, we could play Scrabble or something, if you want.

我是说 我们可以去玩拼字游戏要是你愿意

I love to play Scrabble with my fiancé.


I made it to look like a Scrabble letter.


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This paper analyzes the compound attractor structure of a new three-dimensional autonomous chaotic system.


ON shut rivals out of their transmission systems and shy away from reinvesting their profits in network improvements.


Objective: Elucidate the medicinal licorice species circumscription in order to develop licorice resources in China and select new cultivars.
