英语人>网络例句>拥挤的人群 相关的搜索结果


与 拥挤的人群 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Whether it's browsing the Normandy fish market, mixing with the high-rollers at Deauville and Trouville, or strolling the D-Day beaches north of Bayeux, this is one part of France that will stay with you long after you leave for home.

不论是在 Deauville 和 Trouville 拥挤的人群中逛逛诺曼底的鱼市,还是徘徊于巴约北部诺曼底登陆的海滩,都是你在回家之后还久久难以忘怀的法国风情的一部分。

If you are admired by your success, my benison is warmly and hortative contemplation traversing congested crowd.


Then they began to pass around the dusky, piquant, Arlesian sausages, and lobsters in their dazzling red cuirasses, prawns of large size and brilliant color, the echinus with its prickly outside and dainty morsel within, the clovis, esteemed by the epicures of the South as more than rivalling the exquisite flavor of the oyster,--all the delicacies, in fact, that are cast up by the wash of waters on the sandy beach, and styled by the grateful fishermen "fruits of the sea."


The teeming throngs around it daily reflect India's diversity, with Parsi gentlemen out for their evening constitutionals, Muslim women in burqas taking in the sea air, Goan Catholic waiters enjoying a break from their duties at the stately Taj Mahal Hotel, Hindus from every corner of the country chatting in a multitude of tongues.

这里每 日拥挤的人群反映出印度的多元化,巴黎来的绅士夜晚来此漫步,穿着长袍的穆斯林妇女在这里呼吸海上的新鲜空气,国有泰姬玛哈酒店里来自果阿(Goa,印度西南部一地区)的侍应生享受工作中间的片刻休息,来自全国各地的印度教教徒用不同的方言开怀畅聊。

Their unique character of being mature and steady-going, comfortable and humorous, and enthusiastic sometimes and incommunicative at other times, make them be able to reveal their charm of individuality whether in the multifarious metropolis or among the crowds.


It is difficult to pick one's way through the crowd.

要穿过人群是很难的。 throng"人群",指拥挤在一处而难以前进的人群,很少用在物上。

The bloodthirsty mosquitoes, the dense heat, the nauseating reek of the channel mud churned up by the launch as it passed, the frantic back-and-forth of sleepless passengers who could find no place to sit in the crush of people-----it all seemed intended to unhinge the most even-tempered nature.


As soon as the bridal party came in sight of La Rèserve, M. Morrel descended and came forth to meet it, followed by the soldiers and sailors there assembled, to whom he had repeated the promise already given, that Dantès should be the successor to the late Captain Leclere. Edmond, at the approach of his patron, respectfully placed the arm of his affianced bride within that of M. Morrel, who, forthwith conducting her up the flight of wooden steps leading to the chamber in which the feast was prepared, was gayly followed by the guests, beneath whose heavy tread the slight structure creaked and groaned for the space of several minutes.


He wrote memoirs but, like a jazzman improvising on a theme, wandered off inveterately after other people:"An accidental shove on a crowded Loop corner, while awaiting the change in traffic lights; an apology; a phrase that holds my attention; we go for coffee; a life unfolded at the restaurant table."


I have hated life in city after staying there long,the terrible enviorment, crowded people, indifferent personel relationship, some cheats or security problems that you may have to face, the food riped by fertilizer or warpped by plastic bag, all these made me sick, I really want to live in rural and plough some field and raise some chicken by myself,how enjoyable it is if drinking the unpoluted well water and eat the dished that we raised on our own, see the smoke rising in the morning and sun setting slowly in the afternoon , if not busy , read some interesting books and listen to some music or take a walk on the hills.


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This paper discusses design and realizable methods of remote test output interface from logical design angle.


This also 星体投射plies to buildings, structures and geological features.


We all hope for a better life.
