英语人>网络例句>拉断 相关的搜索结果


与 拉断 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Sato hung up and turned back to Bellamy with a smug smile."Well then ... it seems you're fast outliving your usefulness."


The tensile specimens all ruptured in the fusion zone and the porosities were absent.


Fula sub basin is a Mesozoic and Cenozoic continental rifted basin , which is controlled by the Center Africa Strike slip fault .


She yanked the rope and it broke.


She yanked the rope and it broke.


The objectives of this paper were to investigate the simulation and design of continuous multiple-station rolling forming process for a U-Section Steel Bar by CAE software-DEFORMTM Due to the limitation of elements number using a short strip 120mm went through all the stations to simulate the real continuous rolling forming on factory The roller gap was fixed as 0 30mm roll speed was 20 rad/sec and progressive angles were all equal for each rolling process which were the formed angle divided by by the number of station Three rolling processes were selected with 6 9 and 12 stations respectively During simulation processes two cases occurred Case A the strip was through a single station Case B the strip across two stations Because the strip laterals side was stretched and twisted during the process The model of case B closer to the practical process than case A and the calculated stress and strain on the tip of U section for case A were lower than these for case B by up to 15% From the result of case B for each process the stress for 12-station process was smallest 9-station process second and 6-station process next Because less-station can save larger cost and forming time but the bigger stress and strain for 6-station caused wrinkles on lateral sides not found on 9-station and 12-station Therefore 9-station process was a more suitable design than 12-station process smaller stretched and twisted and stress The progressive angles for 12-station was 7 5?

本文主要是以DEFORMTM有限元素软体模拟U型钢片连续道次成型与单一道次成型以确认单一道次模拟的是否可取代连续道次模拟之研究。因DEFORMTM 软体对於网格元素上的限制故使用较短素材120mm通过所有的成型站以模拟工厂实际连续成形方法。辊轮间隙固定为0 3mm;辊轮转速为20 rad/sec;弯曲角度的方法为将成型角度平均除以成型站数。有三种辊轮成型方式被选择分别为6站,9站,与12站。在模拟的过程中有两种现象会产生 Case A,素材通过单一成型站。Case B,素材会通过两个成型站。因为在模拟过程中素材的两端会有拉应力与扭力。Case B的模拟比Case A像实际的制程,并计算应力与应变在U型断面的Tip部中可发现Case A比Case B低约15%。从Case B的每站的结果可以得知,12站的成型应力最小,9站次之,6站最后。

He was three days early from his tenure on Crescent Coral Island and he was leaning right over her, pulling her up, and the situation then suddenly snapped in her head like a tripped bear trap.


Park shear, the tree branch shear, walnut and pipe, chain a pipe, two and three claws pull the horse, break the line, every kind of high, the beautiful type, in file in inside type sheet iron shear, the clothing shear, public shear.

4D76 园林剪、树枝剪、核桃钳及管子钳、链条管子钳,二、三爪拉马、断线钳、各种高、中档美式、英式铁皮剪、服装剪、民用剪。

The company main product are single phase mechanical KWH meter, three phase mechanical KWH meter, single phase electronic meter, three phase electronic meter, single phase prepaid meter, three phase prepaid meter, limit switch, micro switch, foot pedal switch, adjust switch, safety switch, cutout limiter, double-way rope pulling switch, double-way bias switch, self-lock foot pedal switch, high voltage switchboard switch, limit switch with light display, multi function limit switch, slide-stop switch, fire-control push button switch, signal light, mini circuit breaker, connector fuse cut-out, automatic photo-controls, American 6 pole computer plug.


In the end, the piano performs a stormy gallop of triads, the hands flying apart more or less symmetrically, while the strings throw in a frantic accompaniment of regular staccato eighths.


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The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
