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与 拉丁语的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Gasper Druzbicki, SJ (d. 1662), is the author of a considerable number of ascetical works both in Polish and in Latin, many of which were translated into other languages.

gasper druzbicki ,律政司司长(四1662 ),是作者的相当数量的ascetical工程无论是在波兰和拉丁语,其中不少被翻译成其他语文。

Damn comes via Old French damner from Latin damnāre, a derivative of the noun damnum.


We are all mortal—which is simply a word of Latin origin that means "deathful".


The Latin corruption of kubernetes is the derivation of governor, which Watt picked up for his cybernetic flyball.


For the spoken Latin of all the patristic centuries was very different from the written.


The works of Donatus (4th century AD) and Priscian (6th century AD), the most important Latin grammarians, were widely used to teach Latin grammar during the European Middle Ages.


Pudenda.(lat. things to be ashamed of) Obsolete term for the external female sex organs.


Although often referred to as the pygmy chimpanzee, pygmy is a misnomer because the body weight of the bonobo is, on average, the same or slightly less than that of the eastern common chimpanzee ( Pan troglodytes schweinfurthi ).

虽然它们经常被称为侏儒黑猩猩,其实&侏儒&一词用的不当,因为倭黑猩猩的体重大体上同东非亚种黑猩猩(拉丁语Pan troglodytes schweinfurthi)一样或者稍微轻一点。

"Nulli tyranni ab Romanis laudabantur".(No tyrants used to be praised by the Romans.)"Multae rosae puellis ab poetis dabuntur". Many roses will be given to the girls by the poets.


The Tiber is the third-longest river in Italy, rising in the Apenine mountains in Emilia-Romagna and flowing 406 kilometres (252 mi) through Umbria and Lazio to the Tyrrhenian Sea ...

台伯河 (英語: Tiber ,意大利語: Tevere,拉丁语: Tiberis ),一名特韋雷河,位於意大利中部,全長406公里,是該國第三長的河流。意大利首都罗马位於河口以上25公里的東岸。

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And if officials on the take are not parroting the opinions of these companies, what can we suppose the money they receive is for?


Love them, and love you too, Pitcher.


He was sent away to the island of Scyros,where he fell into sea from a cliff.
