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与 拉丁语的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The day may come when this usage is entirely unremarkable, just as the word talkative has lost all taint of its originally jocular formation from the attachment of a Latinate suffix to a native Anglo-Saxon root.

也许总有一天,这一用法会变得完全不引人注意了,正如单词talkative 在其拉丁语后缀与盎格鲁-撒克逊语词根组成词时该词有打趣的意味,但现在已失去其所具有的本义了。

Nonclassical Latin dialects spoken in the Roman Empire; source of ''.


Nonclassical Latin dialects spoken in the Roman Empire; source of Romance languages.


During this time, many Latin, Danish, and Norse words entered the English language.


At the root of both terms is the Latin verb "ludere", and a postlude is essentially "something played afterward."


A new Protestant Prayer Book was introduced for the Church, with services in English, not Latin.


The Latin word rapere from which rape comes had an even wider range of meanings, including "to ravish."

Rape 从其起源的拉丁语单词 rapere 甚至有更多的词义,其中包括"使销魂"这一含意。

Plug in the word 'dictionary,' for instance, and it will tell you that the rood is 'diction' which means 'word' in Latin.


The incomplete Latin version was first discovered and edited in 1861, by the late Monsignor Ceriani, prefect of the Ambrosiana, in his "Monumenta Sacra et Profana," vol.

不完全统计拉丁语版本是最早发现和编排,在1861年,由已故主教切里亚尼,纪的ambrosiana ,在他的"古迹遗址骶等profana ,"第一卷。

I remember that the day the Latin paper was brought to us, Professor Schilling came in and informed me I had passed satisfactorily in German.


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And if officials on the take are not parroting the opinions of these companies, what can we suppose the money they receive is for?


Love them, and love you too, Pitcher.


He was sent away to the island of Scyros,where he fell into sea from a cliff.
