英语人>网络例句>拉丁语的 相关的搜索结果


与 拉丁语的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Then I want to do one more on my stomach saying 'In Vino Veritas 'which is Latin for 'In Wine, There's s The Truth '.

然后我还想在肚子上纹一个' In Vino Veritas ',在拉丁语里它的意思是'酒中有真理'。

He translated into Latin the canons of the Eastern councils and added 39 papal decretals.

他翻译成拉丁语该炮的东区议会和补充, 39个教皇

Modern scholars believe that her name, which is also applied to the veil itself, is derived from the Latin vera and the Greek eikon, meaning true image.

&现代学者认为,她的名字,也就是适用于面纱,其本身就是源自于拉丁语维拉和希腊eikon ,意思是&真实形象。

The "Catholicon" of the Genoese John Balbus, completed in 1285, is a vast treatise on the Latin tongue, accompanied by an etymological vocabulary.

&灵丹妙药&的热那亚约翰balbus ,在完成第1285 ,是一个幅员辽阔,伤寒论拉丁语舌,伴随著一个词源词汇。

"In loco parentis" is a Latin term meaning "in the place of a parent."


Mola in Latin means "millstone" and describes the ocean sunfish's somewhat circular shape.

Mola 在拉丁语中意为&磨石&,就是形容翻车鱼圆状的身型。

If you are using non-latin languages you require MySQL 4.1.16 or later.

假如你使用非拉丁语的话,你需要MySQL 4.1.16 或之后的版本,目前在MySQL

A saint is a holy person, as the Latin origin of the word indicates (sanctus,"holy").

圣人是一个神圣的人,正如拉丁语词源显示( sanctus ,&圣战者&)。

In Latin, the name means "rock oil."


In Latin, the name means "rock oil."


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We are in a real jam.


Hey, it's Ahmet from India, that foreign exchange guy.


Because you can make victims of a hypothetical, what is there for not matter.
