英语人>网络例句>拉丁语的 相关的搜索结果


与 拉丁语的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Case: The category of case is prominent in the grammar of Latin, with six distinctions of nominative, vocative, accusative, genitive, dative and ablative.


Novatian, c.200-c.258, a Roman theologian and the first writer of the Western church to use Latin, was an early antipope.

Novatian , c.200 - c.258 ,罗马神学家和作家的第一个西方教会使用拉丁语,是一种早期对立教皇。

Many of his works in logic and metaphysics had, however, been consigned to the flames, so that he left no school, and the end of the dominion of the Moors in Spain, which occurred shortly afterwards, turned the current of Averroism completely into Hebrew and Latin channels, through which it influenced the thought of Christian Europe down to the dawn of the modern era.


Besides these, his teachers in grammar were the Greek Alexander of Cotiaeum,10 and the Latins Trosius Aper, Pollio, and Eutychius Proculus of Sicca; his masters in oratory were the Greeks Aninius Macer, Caninius Celer and Herodes Atticus,11 and the Latin Cornelius Fronto.12 Of these he conferred high honours on Fronto, even asking the senate to vote him a statue; but indeed he advanced Proculus also - even to a proconsulship, and assumed the burdens13 of the office himself.


The Latin term followed the Greek "epigonos," which was often used in plural to designate the sons of seven legendary Greek leaders who were defeated at Thebes.


Seeing so many baldies in school, I was very tempted to shave my head too.

英语中爱情的门当户对 2008年02月14日07:16 我们都知道英语与各国语言都是近亲,像什么拉丁语,德语,法语,西班牙语的,你可知道英语和我们中国千年的古汉语文化也着一脉相承的渊源,就连它对爱情的感悟都如出一章。

Of, relating to, or being the grammatical case that in some Indo-European languages, such as Latin and Russian, as well as in some non-Indo-European languages, marks the recipient of action and is used with prepositions or other function words corresponding in meaning to English to and for.


Its name is a translation of the Latin Via Lactea, in turn translated from the Greek Γαλαξα, referring to the pale band of light formed by stars in the galactic plane as seen from Earth.

他最初的命名来自于拉丁语 Via Lactea,随后从希腊语Γαλαξα翻译而来,指从地球观测到的星系中的行星所形成的白带状的光

Although some 85% of it is no longer in use, those that survive all belong to the basic word stock of Modern English While compounds made up of native elements were particularly prevalent, OE also made generous use of prolific Anglo-Saxon affixes (many of them are now used rarely or not at all) to form new words Owing to the Christianizing of Britain and the Vikings' invasions of the relatively few borrowings are mainly Latin and Scandinavian.

虽然大约85%它不再是在使用中,那些生存所有属于现代英语基本的词股票当化合物被弥补当地元素特别流行, OE 并且做了慷慨的用途多产盎格鲁撒克逊词缀(大多数现在被使用很少或)形成新词由于不列颠Christianizing 和相对地少量borrowings的Vikings 的入侵是主要拉丁语和斯堪的纳维亚语。

The Romance language French was the source of our wordmusket (first recorded around 1587), which came from Frenchmousquet, but this word entered French from yet another Romance language, Italian.

从拉丁文演变来的法语是单词musket (大约在1587年首次出现)的词源,这个词来自一个法语词mousquet ,但这一词仍然是从另一个由拉丁语演变而来的意大利语中借入法语的。

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The X-ray diffract was used to analyze the crystal structure of the composite. Results show that after the talc was treated with blend coupling agent, the crystal structure of talc changed, and effect Intercalation phenomenon.


An authentic Maui wedding might require the services of a 'kahu', which is a Hawaiian minister.


Funds involving such cases are limited and there is no huge capital flight.
