英语人>网络例句>拆除 相关的搜索结果


与 拆除 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

If you find a pinhole, you will see water tearing down the inside of the hull from the pinhole.


Each row of 120 plastic nails, make operation fast and efficient.


In 1858 an area of poor housing, factories and farm buildings was torn down.


Tear down 拆毁;撕裂 In 1858 an area of poor housing, factories and farm buildings was torn down.


In 1858 an area of poor housing, factories and farm buildings was torn down and Central Park was created, reaching from 59th Street to 110th Street and across three avenues.


Of the houses are situated on the sixth floor were removed (including 6) below, but no compensation for housing in the seven more buildings elevators, each incremental layer (including 7), should increase the compensation for the original size of 5%, with no post exchange property settlement.


Many changes resulted from the feedback of millions of users who tested prerelease versions of the new browser. The most compelling reason to upgrade is the improved security.


Hospital in the Presidio of San Francisco are being demolished, and the building will be rehabilitated into housing.


Large parts of the abandoned "PHSH" hospital in the Presidio of San Francisco are being demolished, and the building will be rehabilitated into housing.


Private First Class Aaron Nemelka was an Eagle Scout who just recently signed up to do one of the most dangerous jobs in the service - diffuse bombs - so that he could help save lives.


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The medicinal plant resources of Gentianaceae in Sichuan Province.


"Some fortuneteller," scoffed the man, I'm the father of THREE children.

" "一些算命",嘲笑他,"我的父亲有三个孩子。

There are over 90 universities and above 150 institutes to provide Bachelor or above.
