英语人>网络例句>抱怨的 相关的搜索结果


与 抱怨的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Before the Addax deal closes, Sinopec will need the approval of China's government (almost certain, given its clout) and of Addax's shareholders who, based on the large premium it offered to the share price, have little to complain about.


And that's how LRH found himself in the basement of Cal Tech's Athenaeum Hall on the night of November 15th, 1945 -- working to establish an organization where scientists might vent their complaints in a somewhat less explosive manner.


Only because I envisioned this stocky mom, sunk to the earth, with a kind of harshness.


As the curtain fell again, and the star appeared, dragging after her a long, gaunt, exhausted, alarmed man in horn-rimmed spectacles, who had been lurking in a corner suffering from incipient 起初的 nervous breakdown and illusions 幻觉 of catastrophe , he being the author, the body of the house rose and shouted.


Then the Depression had thrown almost everybody out of work and the jerry-built houses had been neglected, and as Rudolph's mother complained, the entire town had become a single slum


At being the rudest tourists. We complain the most when it comes to accommodations and are the worst dressed–no real surprise there.


You are of course well aware of the weaknesses of the ordinary air –filled type-punctures, split outer cover under stress and a tendency to skid on wet road surface, to mention some only of the motorist's chief complaints .our 'RELIANCE type enable you to offer your customers a type that is beyond criticism in those vital qualities of road-holding and reliability.


Just a couple things you better know about how I run this operation. If you're not here when we start, you get paycheck docked, same for absent days.""Cost me money by being reckless and you get fired and anything you cost me comes out of your check!""I don't tolerate any backtalk, cussing, smartass comments on my sites!""You guys are under twenty-one, so I treat guys that age the same as I treat my own boys!


The school system and curriculum were designed 60 years ago, when a generation of children from farming communities were being trained for long, uncomplaining hours on production lines.


Customers who complain are not nitpickers or looking for discounts, they're committed to your organization.


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And if officials on the take are not parroting the opinions of these companies, what can we suppose the money they receive is for?


Love them, and love you too, Pitcher.


He was sent away to the island of Scyros,where he fell into sea from a cliff.
