英语人>网络例句>护士 相关的搜索结果


与 护士 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Charge nurse: I will help you change a bag,OK


42She sent those flowers to the nurse in charge of her daughter's hospital ward.


Also, Thank my teacher very much for He/She given me the growth and care for long time! As a nurse,Not only need a strong sense of responsibility, patience and chariness, The most important is have a sincere love, Let the sick as own relatives to care,I think I have these conditions, and Please believe me that I will not live up to your expectations of me if every teacher give me this opportunity, and In a progressive, positive, and unpretentious, undaunted to face my future nursing work, I will be my limited youth offere to this great career..


Jan. 2, 2006 -- ADOPTION-MEDICINE-2 -- Jane Raya holds 11-month-old Ivy Lee as she is examined by nurse practicioner Mary Chesney at the International Adoption Clinic at the University of Minnestota in Minneapolis on Dec.

2006年1月2日明尼苏达州明尼阿波利斯,简抱着她收养的11个月大的Ivy Lee,实习护士玛丽在为Ivy Lee做检查。

All personnel were accounted for: six dozen handpicked drill instructors, physical therapists, doctors, nurses, psychologists, and the all-important cooks… all here except the most critical person, who was now on the incoming transports: Senior Chief Petty Officer Franklin Mendez, Mendez had, a dozen years ago, trained Kurt and every other Spartan.


Beverley Gail Allitt, dubbed the 'Angel of Death', was an English paediatric nurse who was convicted of killing four children and injuring five others, in 1991, on the children's ward of Grantham and Kesteven Hospital, Lincolnshire where she worked.

有"死亡天使"之称的Beverley Gail Allitt,是一位英国儿科护士,她被控于1991年在她工作的Grantham 和 Kesteven医院的儿科病房中她杀害四名儿童并杀害其他五名。

Eight Colleges have been authorized to use acupuncture as an adjunct. They include: Chiropody, Chiropractic, Naturopathy, physical therapist, nurses, massage therapists, occupational therapists and dentists.


What kind of person signs up to be a nurse in the middle of a cholera epidemic?


Prof. Samii brought his whole family including his wife, his son and daughter-in-law, his daughter and son-in-law with their little boy together with RABISHONGOI, CHOUX, an anesthetist, a nurse and a test superintendent. They gave lectures and performed demonstrations.

SAMII教授的一家-夫人,儿子夫妇,女儿一家三口以及RABISHONG, OI, CHOUX,麻醉师,护士,检测师一行十几人来到北京,不仅讲学,还在大学讲课,在医院做手术。

While he was at war, Christie worked as a nurse.


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And if officials on the take are not parroting the opinions of these companies, what can we suppose the money they receive is for?


Love them, and love you too, Pitcher.


He was sent away to the island of Scyros,where he fell into sea from a cliff.
