英语人>网络例句>抛弃 相关的搜索结果


与 抛弃 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

I don't know whether we've forsaken our poetic nature, our romanticism, inherent inner beauty, or whatever we've done to ourselves, that nowadays most of the time we think more of finances. We think more of material comfort than the caretaking of our inside beauty or even our own representation outside of the inner beauty, such as nice clothes, walking with dignity and manners, talking with gentleness and sweetness.


We think more of material comfort than the caretaking of our inside beauty or even our own representation outside of the inner beauty, such as nice clothes, walking with dignity and manners, talking with gentleness and sweetness.


Well, in a recent study, scientists observed that when the participants felt rejected, the flow of blood increased to the area of their brain known as the anterior cingulated cortex.


In the net inside school, become you when the good friend " pet " later, you are OK " do sth over and over again he ", for example " painful flat he "," he does not give hunger one day the meal eat ", let him " dig coal to black coalpit " work, still can earn " cash "; When the humor is good, OK also " pacify him ", with him " in all sup "," see concert of lotus elder sister "... you do not want him," abandon he " or " dozen fold processing " big reduction sale.


Here, I just want to scold those conscienceless people including those criminal who abduct innocent kids, those parents who abandon their children, those people who turn a blind eye to the fact and those kids.


By the end of World War II eugenics had been largely abandoned, though current trends in genetics have raised questions amongst critical academics concerning parallels between pre-war attitudes about eugenics and current "utilitarian" and social darwinistic theories.


If you browsed the book 《western art 》wrote by Jacques Debi chi ,etc four European professor ,then you can see the authors wrote in the page of this sentence: The new expression of variant, free space, colour. From lyrical action or the abstraction of the birth of geometric shape, abandoning closed shape, mixed shape and varied materials, crushing the boundary of species: so many imaginations come into the 20th century art of thinking spirit.


And I have loved you so long, Delighting in your company.


He not only expounded the demerits of Chinese culture which were manifested in the historical development of the society by regarding the culture as the origin of the demerits, but also based on the view that the ontology of a nation's culture is not discardable, made profound exploration of the core of Chinese culture and the ideological implications which were entailed in the structure of China's social organization - including the social relations and the ruling systems, to show what is typical of Chinese culture and social structure and its relation with the culture of the world, and to promote it to the height that it represents the orientation and future of human culture.


Military News Agency (2009/11/29) Tri-Service General Hospital's ophthalmology department says, it has been proved by the novel multifunctional visual quality analyzer that discardable silicone hydrogel hyper oxygen permeable contact lenses can be used in high altitude flight, succeeding in not only vision correction but also stability and comfortability.


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We are in a real jam.


Hey, it's Ahmet from India, that foreign exchange guy.


Because you can make victims of a hypothetical, what is there for not matter.
