英语人>网络例句>折射 相关的搜索结果


与 折射 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In the end, underneath it all, real life was being reflected, a vision of which doesn't require its characters being frozen in amber after a fairy tale ending and allows life to go on, happily and unconventionally.


In addition,the unhomogeneous distribution of atmospheric density leads to refraction of ladar signals propagation,and turbulence in the atmosphere results in energy fluctuation in the cross-section,spread and drift of beams.

另外 ,由于大气密度分布不均匀导致激光沿光路上的折射,大气湍流效应导致光束横截面上能量分布起伏、光束扩展和漂移等,这些对激光雷光信号的传输产生一定的影响。

It was shown that the area-averaged temperature profile also can not be obtained by means of a system with multi-laser sources in the unhomogeneous atmospheric surface layer.

标 签 折射温度梯度大气近地面层非均匀 refraction temperature gradient atmospheric surface layer unhomogeneous

The function of 3dB fiber loop mirror in fine wavelength partition is studied. With this theory, a novel narrow linear band, dual-wavelength switchable Er-doped fiber laser is realized.2. An unpumped Er-doped fiber and broadband fiber Bragg grating with high reflectivity is served as an auto-tracking filter, where the space hole-burning effect appears when the laser signal travels and forms standing wave, thus the generation of multi-longitudinal-mode is suppressed. Then the high birefringence fiber loop mirror is introduced to act as comb-liked wavelength filter.


Spatial holeburning caused by ununiform widening of erbiumdoped fiber barricades the fully gaincontrolled amplification of laser with single wavelength. A novel configuration of automatic gainclamped optical erbiumdoped fiber amplifier is presented, and a high-birefringence fiber Bragg grating is used to generate pumping lasers, peaks of which are written at 1549.3 nm and 1549.83 nm with a wavelength spacing of 0.53 nm.

掺铒光纤非均匀展宽引起的空间烧孔现象导致单波长激光并不能完全控制放大器增益,提出了一种新颖的自动增益控制掺铒光纤放大器的结构:即采用高双折射光纤布拉格光栅产生抽运光,其写制光栅的波峰对应的波长分别为1549.3 nm和1549.83 nm,波长间隔为0.53 nm。

This method provides a new approch to measure the Verdet constant of conventional single mode optical fibers.


The results show that if the ratio of fiber twist rate and intrinsic linear birefringence is large than certain figure the value of measured Verdet constant may quite close to the theoretical calculation.


It would result in the fluctuation of the sensitivity of the system because of the existing of the dispersions of the reflection-induced retardance,Verdet constant and the linear birefringence inside the sensing head.


The effects of the central wavelength shift of the source and the variations of the parameters of the sensing head (Verdet constant and linear birefringence) due to ambient temperature fluctuation upon the scale factor of a bulk-glass optical current transformer are theoretically analyzed and digitally simulated.


With the parameters varies within the range of our study, the simulation results compared with their corresponding monochromatic output show that: the wavelength accumulation effect upon the output is small; therefore, it is reasonable and feasible to employing the monochromatic model to deal with the BGOCS systems with broad-band source; the difference between the accumulation output and the monochromatic output decreases with the increase of the current to be measured in the total wavelength accumulation effect; the effect of the Verdet constant is the greatest, that of the Reflection-Induced-Retardance is intermediate, that of the linear birefringence is the smallest.


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What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
