英语人>网络例句>折射 相关的搜索结果


与 折射 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The sophistical comfort came in reflected gleams from the decayed furniture, the raggcd brocade upholstery of a couch and two chairs, a footwide cheap pier glass between the two windows, from one or two gilt picture frames and a brass bedstead in a corner.


They are exposure, refraction, plane of focus, angle of view and aperture.


Secondly, the visibility of interference fringes is increased by raising reflectivity of uppersurface of glass plate and convex of plane convex lens.


Research reflected light refraction and vector-vector changes in the law, discuss the extra path difference, the phase phase-shift, model and so on plane of polarization revolving optical phenomena.


Considering the ionospheric refractive index in geomagnetic field, the radiowave polarization plane rotation has been calculated. For linear frequency modulation pulse signal, the expression of Doppler shift error due to ionospheric dispersion characteristics is derived.


The influence of KTP's thermal effect was controlled and the efficiency of the frequency doubling increased. The steady working of KTP crystal in high power level was realized. 3. A traditional plano-concave cavity was used.


Topics covered include, the properties of light and its interaction with mineral grains: reflection, refraction, polarisation, interference phenomena, extinction, colour and pleochroism. Refractometry inclusive isotropic, uniaxial and biaxial optics and the interpretation of interference figures. Transmitted light petrography in the identification and familiarisation with major rock forming minerals in grain mounts and thin section.


The experiments show that most of the melted polymers possess the temporary birefringence, consequently, the stress optic patterns can be obtained with a polariscope .


A scheme of microscope polarization interference imaging spectrometer based on a Savart polariscope and its basic principles are introduced,and the relative expression of depth of field of MPIIS is derived with the geometrical-optics method.


This thesis arms to develop a measurement system for detecting phase retardation, slow axis orientation, and optical path difference of a waveplate. The structure of the system includes three laser light source, a half circular polariscope, a rotating analyzer, an optical chopper and a lock-in amplifier.


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What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
