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与 抗生物素 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Biochemistry ; daidzein ; phospholipid ; phospholipid complex ; action spectrum analysis ; antioxidant ; immune function ; cellular metabolism


Glycosides of arabinose distribute widely in nature and most of them is biologically active.


OBJECTIVE: To observe the antagonism effects of both alcohol and ethyl acetate extracts, monomer CA-1201 three components from Chinese herb Cissus assamica on endothelin-1 (ET-1) biological responses in vivo and in vitro.


In order to optimize an effective combined preservative applied to the orange juice preservation, the authors studied the synergistic effect of biological and chemical combined preservative which contained Nisin, potassium sorbate, EDTA and sodium isoascorbate in preservation of orange juice compared to preservation effect of each aforementioned additive in individual use. Results show that the growth of microorganisms can not be inhibited completely using each aforementioned additive in single use.


The application of low pressure boiling technique could increase wort boiling temperature to 100.5 ℃ and advance protein agglomeration and reduce solidifiable nitrogen content to 0.5 mg/100 mL. Maillard reaction and Brown reaction were strengthened in the boiling, melanoidin and melanoid compound contents increased, wort chromaticity improved, and the oxidation resistance of wort strengthened. Besides, the boiling intensity dropped from 9 %~12 % to 7 %~8 % and boiling time shortened to 10~20 min, which improved production efficiency and saved 20 % energy and improved beer non-biological stability.

采用低压煮沸工艺,可提高煮沸麦汁温度至100.5 ℃,加强蛋白质凝聚,麦汁可凝固氮下降0.5 mg/100 mL;煮沸过程加强了美拉德反应、"棕色反应",类黑精、类黑素化合物增加,麦汁色度增加,麦汁的抗氧化能力增强;煮沸强度从9 %~12 %降至7 %~8 %,煮沸时间缩短10~20 min,提高生产效率,节约能源20 %;改善啤酒非生物稳定性。

As a hormone melatonin may play a key role in circadian rhythmicity and seasonal photoperiod regulation, also in sleep regulation and immunological enhancement.


That means Pho85 kinaseand calcineurin were involved in salt tolerance with an identical target protein or in 中科院上海生化与细胞所博士学位论文摘要 the same pathway. Inhibition of calcineurin decrease the YPH499, pho80? mutant,and pap1 (pcl7)? mutant Mn2+ tolerance but not that of pho85? mutant and thepho85? mutant was more sensitive to Mn2+ than YPH499, pho80? mutant, and pap1(pcl7)? mutant even with the addition of cyclosporin A. Therefore, the conclusioncould be drawn that PHO85 gene played a dominant role in Mn2+ homeostasisregulation in compare with calcineurin. As for Ca2+ tolerance, cyclosporin A canincrease the tolerance to Ca2+ of all the mutant mention above, that means Pho85kinase and calcineurin function antagonistically in regulation of Ca2+ homeostasis.In Bioinformatics, BRI3 gene is a novel gene without any function clue but givehigh conservation in mammalian.


The application of low pressure boiling technique could increase wort boiling temperature to 100.5 ℃ and advance protein agglomeration and reduce solidifiable nitrogen content to 0.5 mg/100 mL. Maillard reaction and Brown reaction were strengthened in the boiling, melanoidin and melanoid compound contents increased, wort chromaticity improved, and the oxidation resistance of wort strengthened. Besides, the boiling intensity dropped from 9 %~12 % to 7 %~8 % and boiling time shortened to 10~20 min, which improved production efficiency and saved 20 % energy and improved beer non-biological stability.

采用低压煮沸工艺,可提高煮沸麦汁温度至100.5 ℃,加强蛋白质凝聚,麦汁可凝固氮下降0.5 mg/100 mL;煮沸过程加强了美拉德反应、&棕色反应&,类黑精、类黑素化合物增加,麦汁色度增加,麦汁的抗氧化能力增强;煮沸强度从9 %~12 %降至7 %~8 %,煮沸时间缩短10~20 min,提高生产效率,节约能源20 %;改善啤酒非生物稳定性。

The susceptible strain, the abamectin resistant strain and the high temperature tolerant strain from Tetranychus cinnabarinus were used to study cross tolerance to abamectin and high temperature using the methods of bioassay and fluorescent real time quantitative PCR.


Methods:The peptide sequences of human CYP1A2 were analyzed according to its bioinformatics, and synthesized on the basis of hydrophilicity, antigenicity, accessibility and flexsibility. The synthesized peptides were crosslinked with keyhole limpet hemocyanin, which was used to immunize rabbits for production of Ab.

利用生物信息学方法分析CYP1A2蛋白的序列,根据亲水性、抗原性、柔韧性及表面性等指标选择多肽序列,合成CYP1A2多肽,与载体蛋白钥孔戚血蓝素(Keyhole limpet hemocyanin, KLH)偶联,免疫日本大耳白兔制备抗CYP1A2抗体。

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I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
