英语人>网络例句>抗生物素 相关的搜索结果


与 抗生物素 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Chicken, beef, dried egg products, Peruvian fishmeal, cheese powder, brewer's yeast, P-Peptide, animal fats preserved with mixed tocopherols, soybean oil, fish oil, rice, flour, corn flour, prebiotics XOS, bio-calcium, bio-active enzymes, L-Carnitine, DL-methionine, food coloring, preservatives, antifungal agents, anti-oxidants, vitamin A, vitamin D3, vitamin E, vitamin K3, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin B6, vitamin B12, vitamin C, folic acid, niacin, pantothenic acid, biotin, choline chl oride, ferrous sulfate, manganese sulfate, zinc sulfate, copper sulfate, potassium iodate, sodium selenite.

鸡肉、牛肉、全蛋粉、秘鲁鱼粉、奶酪粉、啤酒酵母、 P-多肽、用混合生育酚保护的动物脂肪、大豆油、深海鱼油、优质稻米、面粉、玉米粉、益生元 XOS 、生物钙、生物活性酶、左旋肉碱、 DL-蛋氨酸、食用色素、防腐剂、防霉剂、抗氧化剂、维生素 A 、维生素 D3、维生素 E 、维生素 K3、维生素 B1、维生素 B2、维生素 B6、维生素 B12、维生素 C 、叶酸、烟酸、泛酸、生物素、氯化胆碱、硫酸亚铁、硫酸锰、硫酸锌、硫酸铜、碘酸钾、亚硒酸钠。

Chicken, beef, A-peptide, Peruvian fishmeal, animal fats preserved with mixed tocopherols, soybean oil, fish oil, rice, flour, corn flour, prebiotics XOS, dehydrated apples, calcium gluconate, chondroitin sulfate, taurine, food coloring, preservatives, antifungal agents, anti-oxidants, Vitamin A, Vitamin D3, Vitamin E, Vitamin K3, Vitamin B1, Vitamin B2, Vitamin B6, Vitamin B12, Vitamin C, folic acid, niacin, panthothenic acid, biotin, choline chloride, ferrous sulfate, manganese sulfate, zinc sulfate, copper sulfate, potassium iodate, sodium selenite.

鸡肉、牛肉、 A-多肽、秘鲁鱼粉、用混合生育酚保护的动物脂肪、大豆油、深海鱼油、优质稻米、面粉、玉米粉、益生元 XOS 、脱水苹果、葡萄糖酸钙、硫酸软骨素、牛磺酸、食用色素、防腐剂、防霉剂、抗氧化剂、维生素 A 、维生素 D3、维生素 E 、维生素 K3、维生素 B1、维生素 B2、维生素 B6、维生素 B12、维生素 C 、叶酸、烟酸、泛酸、生物素、氯化胆碱、硫酸亚铁、硫酸锰、硫酸锌、硫酸铜、碘酸钾、亚硒酸钠。

Chicken, beef, A-peptide, Peruvian fishmeal, animal fats preserved with mixed tocopherols, soybean oil, fish oil, rice, flour, corm flour, prebiotics XOS, dehydrated apples, calcium gluconate, taurine, food coloring, preservatives, antifungal agents, anti-oxidants, Vitamin A, Vitamin D3, Vitamin E, Vitamin K3, Vitamin B1, Vitamin B2, Vitamin B6, Vitamin B12, Vitamin C, folic acid, niacin, panthothenic acid, biotin, choline chloride, ferrous sulfate, manganese sulfate, zinc sulfate, copper sulfate, potassium iodate, sodium selenite.

鸡肉、牛肉、 A-多肽、秘鲁鱼粉、用混合生育酚保护的动物脂肪、大豆油、深海鱼油、优质稻米、面粉、玉米粉、益生元 XOS 、脱水苹果、葡萄糖酸钙、牛磺酸、食用色素、防腐剂、防霉剂、抗氧化剂、维生素 A 、维生素 D3、维生素 E 、维生素 K3、维生素 B1、维生素 B2、维生素 B6、维生素 B12、维生素 C 、叶酸、烟酸、泛酸、生物素、氯化胆碱、硫酸亚铁、硫酸锰、硫酸锌、硫酸铜、碘酸钾、亚硒酸钠。

Fig 1 Negative control Female umbilical cord sample has no Y-specific signal after in situ hybridization with the biotinylated Y-repeated sequence DNA probe PY3.4 Fig 2 Positive control Flow-sorted male umbilical cord cells hybridized to Y-specific DNA probe PY3.4,Every cell contains a Y-specific signal Fig 3 Fetal cells sorted from maternal blood Flow-sorted cells from a pregnant woman at 20 weeks of gestation hybridized to Y-specific DNA probe PY3.4,containing a Y-specific signal Fig 4 The result of polymerase chain reaction Lane 1:male umbilical cord NRBCs sorted by FITC-conjugated anti-monoclonal glycophorin A;Lane 2:sample of 2;Lane 3:male umbilical cord NRBCs sorted by FITC-conjugated anti-CD36;Lanes 4-5:samples of 1 and 3;Lane 6:50 cells of male;Lane 7:5 cells of male;Lane 8:200ng male DNA(positive+control);Lane 9:nonpregnant female DNA(negative+control);Lane 10:ΦX174 HaeⅢ Maker,271bp:amplified band of Y-specific gene SRY;383bp:amplified band of human β-globin gene

图1 阴性对照女性脐带血标本,经与生物素标记的Y-染色体重复序列DNA探针原位杂交后未见Y-染色体特异信号图2 阳性对照分选的男性脐血细胞经与Y-特异DNA探针杂交后,每一细胞都含有Y-染色体特异信号图3 母体外周血中分选的胎儿细胞从一位妊娠20周的孕妇外周血中分选出的细胞经与Y-特异DNA探针杂交细胞中含有Y-染色体特异信号图4 聚合酶链反应结果 1:GPA-FITC单抗分选男胎脐血NRBCs;2:2号标本;3:CD36-FITC单抗分选男胎脐血NRBCs;4、5:1、3号标本;6:50个男性细胞标本;7:5个男性细胞标本;8:200ng男性DNA;9:未孕女性DNA;10:ΦX174 HaeⅢ标准,271bp:为SRY基因扩增带;383bp:为人β-珠蛋白基因扩增带内参照

Chicken Meal, Ground Yellow Corn, Ground Whole Wheat, Lamb Meal, Poultry Fat, Natural Flavors, Full - Fat Soybeans, Fish Meal, Dried Eggs, Dicalcium Phosphate, Salt, Dried Kelp, Choline Chloride, Brewer's Dried Yeast, Natural Antioxidants, Vitamin Supplements (E,A,B2,B12,D3), Niacin, Calcium Ascorbate, Calcium Pantothenate, Thiamine Mononitrate, Inositol, Menadione Sodium Bisulfite Complex, Folic Acid, Biotin, Zinc Proteinate

鸡肉,黄玉米,优质麦芽,羊肉粉,家禽脂肪,天然香料,大豆卵磷脂,鱼粉,蛋粉,磷酸氢钙,盐,干海带,氯化胆碱,啤酒酵母干燥,天然抗氧化剂,维生素补充剂(五,甲, b2的, b12的,维生素d3 ),烟碱酸,钙,抗坏血酸,泛酸钙,盐酸吡多辛,肌醇,维生素k3亚硫酸氢钠复合物,叶酸,生物素

Chicken Meal, Ground Yellow Corn, Ground Whole Wheat, Lamb Meal, Poultry Fat, Natural Flavors, Full - Fat Soybeans, Fish Meal, Dried Eggs, Dicalcium Phosphate, Salt, Dried Kelp, Choline Chloride, Brewer%27s Dried Yeast, Natural Antioxidants, Vitamin Supplements (E,A,B2,B12,D3), Niacin, Calcium Ascorbate, Calcium Pantothenate, Thiamine Mononitrate, Inositol, Menadione Sodium Bisulfite Complex, Folic Acid, Biotin, Zinc Proteinate

鸡肉,黄玉米,优质麦芽,羊肉粉,家禽脂肪,天然香料,大豆卵磷脂,鱼粉,蛋粉,磷酸氢钙,盐,干海带,氯化胆碱,啤酒酵母干燥,天然抗氧化剂,维生素补充剂(E,A, b2, b12,维生素d3 ),烟碱酸,钙,抗坏血酸,泛酸钙,盐酸吡多辛,肌醇,维生素k3亚硫酸氢钠复合物,叶酸,生物素

The affinity constant of E1-McAb reacting with coated complete antigen was 8.2×10^8L/mol. Biotin-streptavidin complex was used for the determination of E1. The calibration curve of free E1 covered a range of 10~10 000 pg/mL.


An abundance of avidin in the duct can result in a deficiency of biotin.


Methods:(1) Dissoluble PGN and CpG DNA were immobilized onto the surface of biotin cuvette for establishing target. Another effective tracking approach was established by immobilizing Escherichia lipid A F583 onto the surface of Non-derivatised cuvett. The biosensor technology was applied to screen anti-inflammatory TCM targeting on three key molecules.(2) The active compositions were isolated by AB-8 macroreticular resin from lycium bark. After the activities of compositions were evaluated, the most effective compositions was confirmed. In vitro, the affinities of different concentrations composition E binding with PGN, CpG DNA and lipid A were measured separately. The effect of composition E on vigor of RAW264.7 cells were tested by MTT and CCK-8, and its inhibition on TNF-α, which was released from RAW264.7 cells induced by PGN, CpG DNA and LPS, was also tested by ELISA. In vivo, murine sepsis models were made by intravenously heat-killed E.coli and heat-killed S.aureus, then protection of composition E on mice sepsis model were observed.

(1)将PGN及CpG DNA包被于生物素样品池,将lipid A包被于非衍生样品池,分别建立以PGN、CpG DNA及lipid A为靶点的技术平台,对114种抗炎中药水提物进行筛选、评价其活性物质含量,并评估出针对上述三种病原分子均具有较高结合活性的中药;(2)利用生物传感器跟踪检测技术、大孔吸附树脂分离技术,从地骨皮中定向分离与PGN、CpG DNA及lipid A均具有较高亲和力的活性组分;在体外实验中,测定不同浓度活性组分与PGN、CpG DNA及lipid A亲和力;MTT法及CCK-8法检测活性组分对RAW264.7细胞活力的影响;ELISA法检测活性组分对PGN(2μg/ml)、CpG DNA(10μg/ml)及LPS(100ng/ml)刺激小鼠RAW264.7细胞分泌TNF-α的抑制作用;在体内实验中,采用尾静脉注射致死剂量热灭活大肠杆菌和热灭活金黄色葡萄球菌,建立细菌脓毒症小鼠模型,观察活性组分对脓毒症模型小鼠的保护作用。

Methods Explore the optimal concentration of phurbol-12-myristate-acetate and calcium ionophore (A23817) inducing time, and optimal concentration of biotinyl sheep anti mouce IgG (bio-SAM-IgG) and horse radish peroxidasestreptavidin. The CD4(superscript +) cell enriched from peripheral blood mononuclear cells using solid phase anti-CDs monoclonal antibodies were induced by PMA and A23817 under influence of monensin and harvested in vary hours.

从健康人外周血单个核细胞中富集CD4细胞,加入莫能霉素,用不同浓度的佛波醇酯和钙离子载体(A23817)诱导CD4细胞不同时间,比较其胞内表达白细胞介素-2(IL-2)/白细胞介素-4(IL-4)的细胞百分率,确定最适诱生条件;用不同稀释度的IL-2McAb、IL-4McAb、不同浓度的生物素化羊抗鼠IgG(bio-SAM IgG)和辣根过氧化物酶标记的链霉亲和素作棋盘配比试验,确认McAb、bio-SAM IgG和HRP-SA的最适浓度,根据上述结果建立了检测细胞内细胞因子的BSA-ICC法。

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