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与 把...看作 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Look At the Chinese Archaic Excruciation From Its Cruel Government Official;2. He indicates the evolutionary process of human power from the excruciation and persecution in ancient societies to the contemporary soft control of both human bodies and spirits.


The citizen of Oceania is not allowed to know anything of the tenets of the other two philosophies, but he is taught to execrate them as barbarous outrages upon morality and common sense


A usually expansionist national policy having as its sole principle advancement of the national interest .


It is quite dubious that the T-G grammarians consider THERE as an expletive in English existential construction.


Similar expressions: I want you to think of this as your home.

T 我希望你把这里看作是自己的家。

However,at present we lack study on this system in theory, and has the tendency of formalistic eyeless introduction in practice In order to perfectly exert the role that this Independent Director System plays on the corporation and legal person supervision structure, we must exactly analyze and evaluate its function and avoid by all means regarding it as the ca...


Facilitation comes from a mechanistic view of organizations, that they are machines that can be fixed.


ALTHOUGH it is usual to speak of money as a measure of value and prices, the notion is entirely fallacious.


But the play's complex view of Black self-esteem and human solidarity as compatible/ is no more "contradictory"/ than Du Bois' famous,well-considered ideal/ of ethnic self-awareness/ coexisting with human unity/, Fanon's emphasis on an ideal internationalism/ that also or accommodates national identities and roles.

但是这部剧的这一复杂观点/把黑人自尊和人类团结看作是和谐的/并不矛盾/比 Du Bois 的著名的,深思熟虑的理想/民族自觉意识的/共存和人类大同/; Fanon 的强调/对于理想的国际主义/,同样也能或兼容民族身份与角色。

Want - and more. He takes his fatherly role very seriously and considers it his most important job.


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What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
