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与 技术专家 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The company has a strong technical and management team, including national SmCo specializing in rare earth permanent magnet and application of the experts, senior engineering and technical personnel; business nearly 20 years of experience, technical skills, strong sense of quality Professional workforce; a pioneering spirit, familiar with international business practices of the sales team.


Except the expert jurors, the experts entrusted by the court only evaluate the matters of technical character, such as the points of identicalness or dissimilarity of the technical features of the technical solution at issue, the function or effect of the technical features and the technical solution, and the significance of the relevant technical variation, but not make any evaluation or "technical appraisal" regarding the legal matters of whether an alleged infringing article has fallen within the scope of protection of the patent.


The company is leading in loach technology,based on the research institutions and abroad for technical support.


This system enables milking machine testers at all levels of ability to testmachines with a minimum requirement for expert advice.


Based on analysing the respective characteristics of regular PID controller in trational control theory and fuzzy logical controller in intelligent control theory, the idea and technique of expert system is introduced to develop a novel kind of hybrid intelligent controller. It can coordinate two kinds of control algorithms and tune the control parameters on-line for different working zones of the controlled process.(3) The hybrid knowledge expression model, which combines discrete state space model, fuzzy relational model and rule base model, is proposed based on analysing the characteristics of all kinds of knowledge expression models. The knowledge of the controlled process in different aspects can be expressed resonably by it. Based on the model mentioned above, the related optimization strategy for complex system is developed.


Gansu · Changyeh Orrin the Bell biotechnology Limited company is specialized devotes to the poultry aquatic product cattle and sheep with compound feeds front end and so on Vitamin, compound pre-mixture, feed additive the product researches and develops the production marketing the High-tech enterprise; The company relies on the northwest farming and forestry Scientific and technical university, China Agricultural college and the Chinese Agriculture Academy of science's of technical superiority numerous experts and professors, as well as the national feed engineering technology Research center in the technical stratification plane's close cooperation, and unifies in the recent ten years for the domestic feed enterprise, the breeding farm to provide the product the practice and the optimization design feed formula service experience.


These problems are expert system"s key taches and the "bottle neck of its advancement, they also predestine that it is a time-consuming and complex task to design and exploit expert system.For the reasons above, and by combining natural funds project of Hebei province, the author investigates the artificial intelligence of apparatus design.


In under the concerned expert's 1nstructlon.the development has developed the belt branching cable(prefabrication branching cable.branched electric cable).the product examines after the national electric wlre electrlc cable authorltative department—Shanghal electrlc cable research 1nstitute.each technlcal Performance achieved the enterprise standard request.the maln Performance surpasses JCS376"Belt Branching cable"the Japanese standard to request.this product passed the provincial level technical appraisal,and obtains the Chongqing key technology innovation product certificate It has the power supply safely reliable,Insulating abiliw good,work convenlent,Power dlstributlon cost low,applicable scope broad,the varlety speclfication are many,Installs the environment request low status merit Has masslvelv used the belt branching cable In the overseas advanced countrles to reDlace the bus bar rabbet mean of delivery.


There are some key technologies, such as knowledge library, ratiocinative mechanism, learning mechanism, expository mechanism, database and the inter-importing mechanism of neural network and expert system in this intelligent fault diagnosis system. The knowledge library, ratiocinative mechanism and learning mechanism all consist of neural network and expert system, and they should be treated separately.


On the basis of total analysis and summarization on basic knowledge, principle and expert experience of injection mould feed system as well as further research on the computer-aided design of injection mould feed system, according to the geometrical model of the plastic, applying technologies including feature-based modeling and identifying, RBR, CBR, oriented-object and database technology VC++ 6.0, SQL Server 2000, Object ARX, the paper conceives general structure and primary function module of the intelligent design of injection mould feed system, develops user-systemic interface, constructs knowledge rule library and case library of injection mould feed system, researches denotative method of knowledge rule library and case library, designs the ratiocinative mechanism of intelligent system design, and realize the intelligent design of injection mould feed system partly.

本文在对注塑模具浇注系统设计的基本知识与原则及专家经验全面分析总结,以及对计算机辅助浇注系统设计方法深入研究的基础上,以塑件几何模型为依据,应用基于特征的建模与识别技术、RBR和CBR推理技术、面向对象和数据库技术,以及VC++6.0、SOL Server 2000和Object ARX二次开发工具,在AutoCAD 2002平台上,构建了注塑模具浇注系统智能化设计系统的总体结构及主要功能模块,开发了系统的用户界面,建立了浇注系统设计的知识与规则库和事例库,研究了设计知识与规则和事例的表示方法,设计了智能化设计系统的推理机制,部分实现了注塑模具浇注系统的智能化设计。

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In that case, Martin's death to the author Mo Bushi from real life, to deny Spencer, right?


According to the electrical diffraction of the conglomeration, the particles are A-zeolite crystals. In the surface of micro-crystal of A-zeolite, the cuboidal nano-crystal A-zeolite grows, so A-zeolite crystal steps can be observed with TEM.


Firstly, this paper analyzes the transmission style of diving machine in detail and selects hydrostatic transmission as transmission manner of Heavy Engineering Transporter.
