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与 技术专家 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Visual Rice Growth Models system represented an effort to design crop modeling software with object-oriented paradigm and to organize classes in system with model-document-view architecture. Firstly, the crop-environment system was abstracted as many subsystems and physiological processes with object-oriented paradigm while many classes were established to simulate the behaviors of these subsystems and physiological processes. In VRGM, the document-view architecture in Visual C++ was extended as model-document-view architecture for agricultural integrated system. In the model-document-view architecture, document gets the final simulation results by manipulating the models classes and acts as a communicating intermediacy between model and view. Views display the simulation results and translate users' operation and data entering to document. The architecture separates the domain models, data management and user interface.

中文题名可视水稻生长模型与智能栽培专家系统的研制副题名外文题名 Studies on visual rice growth models and cultivation expert system of computational intelligence 论文作者米湘成导师邹应斌研究员学科专业作物栽培学与耕作学研究领域\研究方向作物模拟与专家系统学位级别博士学位授予单位湖南农业大学学位授予日期2001 论文页码总数64页关键词作物生长模拟生长模型水稻馆藏号BSLW /2003 /S126 /2 本研究系国家"九五"攻关项目"水稻大面积高产综合配套技术研究与示范"课题的子专题,并结合水稻高产栽培技术资料和水稻专家的知识、经验以及科研成果,研制成了可视水稻生长模型(Visual Rice Growth Models,VRGM)及水稻高产栽培专家系统,并在此基础上进一步利用人工神经网络模型、模糊逻辑技术和田间栽培试验,对生长模型和专家系统进行了改进。

To avoid the collision accidents of ships at sea, with the universalizing and application of computer, and the development and maturity of the technology of Expert System and Artificial Intelligent, this paper developed an intelligent collision avoidance expert system for navigation. The main research work centers on several aspects, which will be represented as below:By the navigation rules" understanding and analyzing, and by the navigation experience and navigation samples" collecting and trimming, we put forth and build a multi-unit and layering KB systematic structure, and implement the KBM. According to features of different knowledge, we adopt multifarious KR, such as: frame KR, production rule KR, procedure KR. We also build a multi-inference system, which based on analog inference, forward illation inference, conversion inference and meta-rule inference. At the same time, we develop each reasoning algorithm. For some problems in collision avoidance region during the building of the expert system, we put forth and build a set of models to solve them using neural network technology.


Its members are physicians, technologists and scientists specializing in the research and practice of nuclear medicine.


By their nature, technologists want nothing more to say,"Go" rather than "No."


Technophiles who watched the campaign closely expected more, and now they are putting pressure on the White House to govern with unparalleled transparency and citizen interaction.


The combination of the Explosive Grenade and Sheet Metal, the Frag Grenade/*不是Concussion Grenade么??*/ was created for the technologist who just needs that extra bit of assurance.


Rio de Janeiro's new governor, Sérgio Cabral, has installed a cabinet of technocrats.


In the forefront of this effort, of course is T V Rheinland / Berlin-Brandenburg highly trained staff of experienced, international test


In the forefront of this effort, of course is T V Rheinland / Berlin-Brandenburg highly trained staff of experienced, international test engineers and technical experts.


High level of IONA company management and technologist part to serve "," management " and " application " to how passing " framework ",", realize the industry application with agile, powerful function finally to spread out to make a speech and discuss.

IONA 公司管理高层和技术专家分别对如何通过&架构&、&服务&、&管理&和&应用&,最终实现灵活、功能强大的行业应用展开演讲和讨论。

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In that case, Martin's death to the author Mo Bushi from real life, to deny Spencer, right?


According to the electrical diffraction of the conglomeration, the particles are A-zeolite crystals. In the surface of micro-crystal of A-zeolite, the cuboidal nano-crystal A-zeolite grows, so A-zeolite crystal steps can be observed with TEM.


Firstly, this paper analyzes the transmission style of diving machine in detail and selects hydrostatic transmission as transmission manner of Heavy Engineering Transporter.
