英语人>网络例句>承担... 相关的搜索结果


与 承担... 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In the XTMMC Group's development history,the company hadundertaken al new built.technical innovation,medium and complete overhaul projects; designed and constructed 2rollblank productionlinesforiron foundry workshop and steel foundry workshop,7rollmachining and heat-treament production lines;assembled about 4000 sets equipment;new built and innovated 180 sets melting iron, melting steel and heat-treatment kilns;finished major office building,residential quarter,hospital,school and kindergarten etc.construction projects occupied are a 1.62 million square meter,Toral invsetment in technical innovation and capital construction is 2.45 billi on Yuan.


But if putting aside the labor law, in some wide extent, the nature of the credit infringement should be tortious liability.


Cyber-security legal liability of one company refers to the unbeneficial sequence the company should burden, when it endangers state security, infringes consumer security, or even hurt other entities' benefits caused by violation of related statutes and regulations.


Prospect(1)to enact related law to avoid the behavior of kicking the ball when something bad happen, to reinforce our supervisal mechanism(2)to regain our Chinese traditional virtue,which is called "who would enter the hell if I wouldn't", undoubtedly,to learn to be responsible for the blunder means sensible Unflinchingness how?


Model test shows that when raft is the principal bearing element, a single pile with cap has nearly the same behavior with a corresponding unpiled raft when subjected to vertical load. When the load acting on the pile cap exceeds the ultimate pile load, the pile carries less load than it's ultimate pile load. When the load exceeds 2 times of the ultimate pile load, pile is nearly at full capacity.


It would be fallacious, however, to conclude from this single-year result that the super-cat business is a wonderful one, or even a satisfactory one. A simple example will illustrate the fallacy: Suppose there is an event that occurs 25 times in every century. If you annually give 5-for-1 odds against its occurrence that year, you will have many more winning years than losers. Indeed, you may go a straight six, seven or more years without loss. You also will eventually go broke. At Berkshire, we naturally believe we are obtaining adequate premiums and giving more like 3 1/2-for-1 odds.

伯克希尔本身很适合从事霹雳猫保险的业务,我们有业界最优秀的经理人 Ajit Jain,此外从事这行需要相当雄厚的资金实力,在这点我们公司的净值大概是其他主要竞争对手的 10 到 20 倍,对大部分的保险业务而言,背后所拥有的资源还不是那么地重要,一家保险公司可以很轻易地就把它所承担的风险分散出去,若有必要,也可以降低险种集中度以减低风险,但是对霹雳猫保险这种特殊的保险就没有办法这样子做,所以其它的竞争同业只能被迫降低理赔的上限来因应,而要是他们胆敢承担更高的风险,则一个超大型的意外灾害或是连续发生几个较小型的灾害,就有可能让他们粉身碎骨。

Because of government's limited public finance support, peasants have to bear a part, especially in those small public goods of limited exclusiveness and partial benefits; Second, organization implements.


"Unlike a vault, the truss exerts no thrust but only downward pressure; supporting walls require no buttressing or extra thickening."


"Unlike a vault, the truss exerts no thrust but only downward pressure; supporting walls require no buttressing or extra thicken ing."


Article 31 If any inspection agency undertaking the inspection of licensed products fabricates the inspection data or inspection conclusions, it shall be punished according to Article 57 of the Law of the People's Republic of China on Product Quality, and its qualification for undertaking the inspection shall be cancelled.


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You need to lie low for a while.


If you do, you may just be pleasantly surprised.


The philosophy of mathematics overlaps with metaphysics because some positions are realistic in the sense that they hold that mathematical objects really exist, whether transcendentally, physically, or mentally.

哲学的数学与形而上学的重叠,因为有些职位是现实的意义上,他们认为,数学物体真的存在,是否transcendentally ,身体或精神。