英语人>网络例句>手册 相关的搜索结果


与 手册 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Technological tools,hotel guests used to rely on the concierge at their desionation to orient them to their new surroundings and connect them with tourist destinations,specialized shopping,gourmet restaurants,business services and serve a myriad other needs,twenty years ago.when i first started as a concierge in Washington., DC,concierges developed huge Rolodexes of contacts locally,nationally and internationally,in order to answer every request for help.we kept huge libraries of resources at our desks,telephone books,atlases,five inch thick guides to hotels around the world,a dictionary,and fight schedules for national and international travel,restaurant guides,an incredible amount of brochures on local attractions and so on.almost all of which are now replaced by computer access Back then,when a new challenge was made to a concierge, it could sometimes take hours of telephone calls to research an answer, as the chef concierge at the Park Hyatt Washington during the early 1990's,I remember getting a request from a VIP guest from the Middle East.


Its position, too, is stated with minuteness; it stood on the edge of the Plain of Esdrelon and guarded the pass to Jerusalem; yet no trace of the existence of such a place is to be found unless we accept the theory of Conder,"Handbook", 5th ed., p.

239;其立场,也说明与微小,它站立在边缘的平原esdrelon和守卫传递给耶路撒冷,但没有踪影,存在这样一个地方,是要发现(除非我们接受的理论conder ,&手册&,第5版,第239页

The chief manual of confessors is that of Paul of Hungary composed for the Brothers of St.

&行政手册confessors是保罗的匈牙利组成,为兄弟的圣尼古拉斯的博洛尼亚( 1220年至1221年)和主编提作者在&书目casinensis (四, 1880年, 191页),并以虚假的转让作者由

I can't even tell you how many websites I started to build last year because the task of doing them all by hand was just to dauting.


Connecting to the work of the previous groups he realized that the machine's movements were completely different from manual deboning work he had watched at chicken deboning plants.


It's very simple to use, and the Dinger's instruction booklet is very clear, so it is very easy to follow the instructions.


The package includes a driver CD, Power DVD six program collection, the user manual, two DVI dongles, six pin power cable, S video cable, composite cable, Video in and video out cable and a HD out cable.

该软件包包括一个光盘驱动器,电源dvd的六个节目采集,使用手册,两个dvi接口端口, 6针的电源线,视频电缆,复合电缆,视频,在视频输出线缆和高清输出缆线。

Version 1.0 2009 National Taiwan Normal University, Secience Education Center, DoRISE Team


Extraordinarily comprehensive yet easy to use, Machinery's Handbook provides mechanical and manufacturing engineers, designers, draftsmen, machine toolmakers, machinists and students with a broad range of basic and advanced material.


The phone numbers of service institutions, list of linkmen andsche dule of exhibition will included in the service guide of attending exhibition, at the same time will appear in exhibition websites. To ensure the success of pre-work of exhibition, attending enterprises have to contact with relevant institutions in time based on requirements of schedule.


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This paper discusses design and realizable methods of remote test output interface from logical design angle.


This also 星体投射plies to buildings, structures and geological features.


We all hope for a better life.
