英语人>网络例句>手册 相关的搜索结果


与 手册 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Since the project started, the PRC, Xinhuanet, Sina, Sohu nets more than 20 representative sites, launched a number of minors is conducive to the healthy growth of high-quality Internet content produced specifically for the first Minors and their parents in the Internet navigation book "stockwork I. map - a minor Internet navigation manual"; has started the clock network engineering firms in Shaanxi, Tianjin trip to Hubei, Guangdong Bank, Bank of Jiangsu and Shanghai Bank, Guizhou Trip to Guangxi, Hunan trip, and other activities, and will start to Sichuan, Zhejiang trip to Fujian, Gansu trip to Anhui and other activities throughout the country with the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, and other units each year for the implementation of the "Chinese minors network Application of Investigation."


Our article submitter can do all of the manual and monotonous jobs for you.


If you flip through the watch's user guide or manual, you will not likely to find any explanation or definition on what is tachymeter or how to use the tachymeter functionality.


Nonaka and Takeuchi say there are two types of knowledge: explicit knowledge, which is contained in manuals and procedures, and tacit knowledge, which is learned by experience and communicated indirectly through metaphor and analogy.


Small print only, much of it until a few decades, a few hundred copies, there are annual reports, prodct, from direct marketing brochure, handbills, CI design manual, breastpiece, greeting cards, invitations, menus,桌卡, transit cards, passes, theftproof license plate, and even some goods packaging are affixed with a personalized label.


Trichotillomania is classified in the DSM-IV as an impulse control disorder, but there are still questions about how it should be classified.


Operation Manual, Nitrogen Product Compressor (C1761) Turbocompressor Unit, Gearbox, Coupling, Inlet guide vane, Gascooler

操作手册,氮气产品压缩机( C1761涡轮压缩机装置,齿轮箱,联轴器,入口导向叶片,气体冷却器

446E- 5的原文如下: No unaccredited institute shall issue degrees unless the institution has an office located in Hawaii, and at least one employee who resides in Hawaii, and at least twenty-five enrolled students in Hawaii, in each academic year of its operation for the purpose of performing course requirements that are part of the students' educational curriculum.

上述446E-2 条文说,夏威夷肯辛顿大学没有在它的宣传册子、招生手册、教导合约等以相同大小或更大的字型,而且在每一页上面注明它是没有得到美国教育部所承认的鉴定机构的鉴定认证的。第2 条罪状是指肯辛顿大学没有在夏威夷设立办事处,违反了夏威夷修正法令的446E-5;第3 条罪状是指报读肯辛顿大学的夏威夷学生不到所规定的25人。

So what I am saying here is that, whereas the judge may have been within her bounds, there is no mention of an undocked tail being a fault in this breed's standard.


Manual, recommending birch for treating the purulent wounds, the prolongedly unhealing ulcers, advises:"so that the rotten meat from the ulcer was eaten away, ground birch crust should be poured into the rotten wound ".


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This paper discusses design and realizable methods of remote test output interface from logical design angle.


This also 星体投射plies to buildings, structures and geological features.


We all hope for a better life.
