英语人>网络例句>扁平体 相关的搜索结果


与 扁平体 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The embryonic vessels failed to invade into the labyrinthine layer of placenta, which impaired the embryonic-maternal vascular connection. These defects could not be rescued by wild-type tetraploid blastocysts, excluding the possibility that they were due to the extraembryonic tissues.


The image showed that the ratio of raw material of RPC and particle distribution accorded with maximum packing density theory, and the porosity of accumulation was the least. The DSC showed the reaction rate of RPC was very fast and main hydration process focused in shorter time; SEM and X-ray showed that structure of the harden body of RPC was much denser, which mainly composed of some abnormal flat grains that got maximum packing density, and hydration products were mostly composed of Ⅲ type C-SH gel and a small amount of Ca2 and no AFt crystal.

由图象分析可知,即C原材料的比例及颗粒度符合密实堆积原理,堆积物的孔隙率达到最小;差示扫描量热分析表明,RPC的水化反应速度很快,主要的水化过程集中在较短时间内;扫描电镜及X衍射试验表明,RPC硬化体的结构非常致密,主要由一些不规则状的扁平粒子紧密堆积在一起,水化产物主要是Ⅲ型C-S-H, Ca2晶体的量稀少且没有钙矶石。

The parapodium is a flat object that projects from the body wall.


Otherwise, Trans-Golgi complexs show the shape of flat vesicle variance and content residual.


A small sturdy dog of an ancient breed originating in China,having a snub nose,a wrinkled face,a squarish body,short smooth hair,and a curled tail.


RESULTS: After co-culture, morphology of bone marrow stromal stem cells was changed, showing that flat cells began to retract and became spindle-shaped and some cells displayed a linear arrangement like Schwann cells.


It is the first time that these phenomena were observed: Two nuclei are surrounded by plasma and locate at the central of the female gametophyte and the others nuclei are positioned at the fringe of the female gametophyte; Before the pollen tube enters the female gametophyte. the nuclei in chalazal end begin splitting of plasma and form multinuclear cell.4. The pollens of Gnetumc are spherical or applanate with single aperture. The ornamentation of exine is spine. The basis part of spine is lenience and the top part of spine is tip or obtuse sphere.

首次在买麻藤属植物的雌配子体中观察到2个游离核位于配子体的中央位置,且被一团原生质所包围的,其余的游离核位于边缘的现象以及花粉管进入雌配子体前,合点端的核已经发生胞质分裂形成多核细胞的现象 4、买麻藤的花粉近球形或扁平型,有单萌发孔,外壁表面具小刺状纹饰,小刺基部宽大,末端尖或钝圆。

Crystal habit: prismatic crystals elongated on c, often flattened on {100} with deep vertical striations, also can be acicular or in cleavable masses.


There is a polarized organelle, Golgi complex consisted of several saccules and some vesicles beside the nucleus and there are some osmiophilic bodies beneath the parasite pellicule.


The investigators collected unstimulated saliva from 32 patients with primary T1/T2 oral squamous cell carcinoma and from 32 normal subjects matched for age, gender, and smoking history. Using the saliva supernatant, they isolated RNA, performed two-round linear amplification with T7 RNA polymerase, and applied human genome U133A microarrays for profiling human salivary transcriptome.

研究人员收集32位原发性T1或是T2口腔扁平细胞恶性肿瘤患者、以及32位年龄、性别与吸菸史相符的正常受试者唾液;使用唾液离心后的上清液,他们分离出RNA,以T7 RNA聚合脢进行两个回合的线性放大作用,以及应用人类基因体U133A微阵列来分析人类唾液转录体。

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This paper discusses design and realizable methods of remote test output interface from logical design angle.


This also 星体投射plies to buildings, structures and geological features.


We all hope for a better life.
