英语人>网络例句>扁平 相关的搜索结果


与 扁平 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

All of tubules have a characteristic end with a flat tip.


The result showed that the surface architecture and ultrastructure of I.punctatus ' gill and secondary gill lamellae were similar to those of other teleosts. The surface of gill arches and gill rakers was covered with pavement cells which were characterized by circular microridges, and secreting-holes were found among cells on the surface of gill arches. The base part of gill rakers were bigger in terms of diameter. The pavement cells' surface of gill filaments' middle part was characterized by microridges with fine lateral protuberances on both sides which were either fused or interruped, while the microridges disappeared on the pavement cells' surface on both top and base parts of gill filaments, forming dense granulated protuberances. The height and interlamellar space of secondary gill lamellae in I.punctatus were relatively higher and bigger, respectively.


Fruit oblong-ovoid or oblong-linear, gradually tapered to apex, slightly flattened laterally, commissure constricted; ribs 5, obtuse ridged; vittae 1 in each furrow, 2 on commissure.

果长圆状卵球形的或长圆状线形,侧面逐渐渐减至先端,稍扁平,合生面缢缩;5 棱,具钝脊;油管每棱槽1,在合生面上2。

Seeds more than 40 per capsule, oblong-ovoid, flattened, slightly convex on both sides, 0.6-0.8 mm, smooth.


Fruit oblong-ovoid, base cordate, flattened dorsally; surface covered with many convex and shining dots; dorsal ribs prominent, the lateral broadly thin-winged; vittae 1–3 in each furrow, 2–8 on commissure; mesocarp thin, hollow in mature fruit.


A pillbug that evolution〓has granted a monstrous〓size and spinnerets to〓snare its prey.


His tail, from twelve to fifteen inches long, is flat and paddle-shaped, and covered with scales instead of fur as his body is.


Methods: Puppies were used to build the model of palate bone defects.

目的 :观察腭部扁平骨引导性骨再生现象,探讨利用GBR修复腭裂骨缺损的可能性。

It consists of a stack of flat , membrane-bounded sacs.


Warp and weft rovings alignend in a parallel and flat manner resulting in uniform tension and very little twist.


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This paper discusses design and realizable methods of remote test output interface from logical design angle.


This also 星体投射plies to buildings, structures and geological features.


We all hope for a better life.
