英语人>网络例句>戴上 相关的搜索结果


与 戴上 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

She accepts the proposal from one of Bassano's servants delightedly because that man is as straightforward and courageous as her, although not so good looking.


Passepartout jumped off the box and followed his master, who, after paying the cabman, was about to enter the station, when a poor beggar-woman, with a child in her arms, her naked feet smeared with mud, her head covered with a wretched bonnet, from which hung a tattered feather, and her shoulders shrouded in a ragged shawl, approached, and mournfully asked for alms.


The next Day after I came home to my Hutch with him, I began to consider where I should lodge him, and that I might do well for him, and yet be perfectly easy my self; I made a little Tent for him in the vacant Place between my two Fortifications, in the inside of the last, and in the outside of the first; and as there was a Door, or Entrance there into my Cave, I made a formal fram'd Door Case, and a Door to it of Boards, and set it up in the Passage, a little within the Entrance; and causing the Door to open on the inside, I barr'd it up in the Night, taking in my Ladders too; so that Friday could no way come at me in the inside of my innermost Wall, without making so much Noise in getting over, that it must needs waken me; for my first Wall had now a compleat Roof over it of long Poles, covering all my Tent, and leaning up to the side of the Hill, which was again laid cross with smaller Sticks instead of Laths, and then thatch'd over a great Thickness, with the Rice Straw, which was strong like Reeds; and at the Hole or Place which was left to go in or out by the Ladder, I had plac'd a kind of Trap-door, which if it had been attempted on the outside, would not have open'd at all, but would have fallen down, and made a great Noise; and as to Weapons, I took them all to my Side every Night.


These model from the top down apparel very orderly, they are wearing popular garment skirt not only, dress and garment skirt are returned to coordinate tie-in leather shoes on the foot, the head wears cool hat, the shoulder carries on the arm small female bag, connect toenail, the color that fingernail besmears the indelicacy when going up goes.


1404Casqued halberdiers in armour thrust forward a pentice of gutted spearpoints. Major Tweedy, moustached like Turko the terrible, in bearskin cap with hackleplume and accoutrements, with epaulettes, gilt chevrons and sabretaches, his breast bright with medals, toes the line.


Her figure looked blocked and heavy in her gardening costume, a man's black hat pulled low down over her eyes, clod-hopper shoes, a figured print dress almost completely covered by a big corduroy apron with four big pockets to hold the snips, the trowel and scratcher, the seeds and the knife she worked with.


Dai Zhikang: The greatest pleasure is the achievement feeling that he has a kind of spirit to go up in Internet, because open guest of a rich to have what fun for instance to him, actually he makes the fun on spirit of a stationmaster may be hundreds of times very consummate and thousandfold prep above you keep customer of a rich, because there are a flock of population mouths to call him the old in succession over there him, keep on saying is supporting him, he is here the face is a small kingdom same, the small kingdom on spirit, he is opinion cacique, he comes out to say a word has a lot of people to come out to support, he feels in actual life cannot come true, there are 20 people here for instance, I say you should hear what word, very difficult, the spirit that so it did not implement a lot of in actual life is contented feeling.


Goodness knows I felt humiliated enough at this; but, to make matters worse, Gowing entered the room, without knocking, with two hats on his head and holding the garden-rake in his hand, with Carrie's fur tippet (which he had taken off the downstairs hall- peg) round his neck, and announced himself in a loud, coarse voice:"His Royal Highness, the Lord Mayor!"


In short, what cause is more just, and consequently, what war is greater, than that which re-establishes social truth, restores her throne to liberty, restores the people to the people, restores sovereignty to man, replaces the purple on the head of France, restores equity and reason in their plenitude, suppresses every germ of antagonism by restoring each one to himself, annihilates the obstacle which royalty presents to the whole immense universal concord, and places the human race once more on a level with the right?


The various scenarios include: Hulk holding a 1210 deck, 1210 deck, Iron Man on a set of 1210's, Spiderman swinging from the needle of a 1200, Captain America battling Captain Britain on 1210's, Black Panther commanding on the decks, Wolverine maneuvering tricks on a set of gold 1210's, Silver Surfer using a 1210 as a surfboard, and Ghost Rider blazing on the decks.

这些T恤结合各种传奇人物和科技产品,主要场景包括有:绿巨人拿著1210甲板, 1210甲板,钢铁奇侠戴著一套1210,蜘蛛人从1210上摆动飞过,美国船长在1210上对抗英国船长,黑豹在甲板上指挥,狼獾机动在一套金黄1210上做手脚,银色冲浪用1210作为冲浪板,还有幽灵骑士玩甲板。

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Shop assistant: Please check at the door.


In the end, transportation of PAHs in the environmental matrix was preliminarily investigated and discussed according to PAHs data of soils and sediments from a certain region in Shanghai. The result indicated that there are two or more pathways on PAHs transportation in the environmental matrix.


Quick stop! AIDS doctors while the side and say hello and colleagues mention a blood sample box, the Red Cross had sent blankets and so on, with patients有说有笑to go home.
