英语人>网络例句>战役 相关的搜索结果


与 战役 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

At the battle of Zama, Carthage is defeated and loses the war.


The shortest war in history was between Zanzibar and England in 1896.Zanzibar surrendered after 38 minutes.


The legions were covered with shame and removed from the war theatre to Zeugma.


Between 40 and 41 ABY, the term New Order had applied to the Alliance for a short period of time.


Prometheus prometheus was atitan.in the war between zeus the giants he had stood on the side of the new olympiangods.out of the clay he made the first man,to whom athena gave soul and holy breath.prometheus spent alot of time and energy in creating the gift of fire.and fire raised man above all animals.later,there held ajoint meeting of gods and men.the meeting was to decide what part of burnt animals should begiven to gods and what to men.prometheus cut up an ox and divided it into two parts:under the skin he placed the fresh,and under the fat he put the bones,for he knew the selfish zeus loved fat.zeus saw through the trick and felt displeased at the prometheus\'favor towards men.so in amasterful way he took away the gift of fire from mankind.however,prometheus managed to steal fire from heaven and secretly brought it down tomen.flying into an anger at t你好s unjustified act of rebellion,zeus let the other gods chain prometheus to arock on mountain caucasus,where ahungry eagle ever tore at 你好s liver w你好ch ever grew again.你好s period of pain was to be t你好rty-thousand years.prometheus faced 你好s bitter fate firmly and never lost courage before zeus.at last heracles made prometheus and zeus restore to friend s你好p,when heracles came over in search of the golden apple and killed the eagle and set the friend of mankind free.


The campaign to eliminate alphabetism still has a long way to go.


This Jedi Knight was in command of the mediation team dispatched to Atzerri shortly after the Battle of Antar 4, in an effort to negotiate the release of the Gotal Emissary Nathanjo Nirrelz.


She'll offer you an alternative solution and it'll be to spend a night with her and when the final battle ends to transfer the essence of the archdemon to her unborn baby.


On the campaign trail, both Karzai and candidate Ashraf Ghani have reached out to women voters with special women's rallies.


Army spokesman Major General Athar Abbas says recent operations have targeted militant training camps and ammunition dumps, killing more than 100 Taliban fighters, including some top commanders.


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What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
