英语人>网络例句>战役 相关的搜索结果


与 战役 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Though Villarsky had never been very intimately acquainted with Bezuhov, on hearing that he was in Orel, he called upon him with those demonstrations of friendliness and intimacy that men commonly display on meeting one another in the desert.


Our successful work with independent developer Obsidian in creating the original game is now being enhanced by our collaborative efforts with these highly talented and emerging studios such as Ossian Studios, and the result is nothing less than the fans would expect of Neverwinter Nights: high production values, engrossing storylines, and long, involving campaigns.

我们与独立开发商Obisidian的成功合作创作出的《无冬之夜2》的原始版,现在在我们的通力合作下,正在由一些天赋异禀的新兴工作室进行强化,比如Ossian Studios。合作的成果将不亚于爱好者们对《无冬之夜》本身的期待:高品质,引人入胜的剧情,有一定长度且可以使人专注于此的战役

People had just emerged from Ossian; elegance was Scandinavian and Caledonian; the pure English style was only to prevail later, and the first of the Arthurs, Wellington, had but just won the battle of Waterloo.


If we want to have things that are out of balance in favor of the player, awesome.


Before the battle was joined, Hitler had been sure his young men would outfight the young Americans.


I wish to pose a very direct question to the Prime Minister about "Overlord".


As usual, Montgomery proceeded with what Weigley has characterized as the majestic deliberation of a pachyderm.


Down south, Patton's Third Army cleared the Saarland and the Palatinate in a spectacular campaign.


By the end of the uncompromising fight between the two sides, 91,000 German survivors under Field Marshall von Paulus surrendered, on January 31, 1943


By the end of the uncompromising fight between the two sides, 91,000 German survivors under Field Marshall von Paulus surr end ered, on January 31, 1943


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What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
