英语人>网络例句>成就 相关的搜索结果


与 成就 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

He always tries to detract from the achievements of other people in the same field.


This fact does not detract from the greatness of her achievement a bit.


That the MTV/Armani persona should not have impinged detrimentally on Becks the sportsman is an amazing accomplishment.

那个由MTV 和阿马尼构成的人生居然丝毫没有影响作为运动员的贝克,这实在是个了不起的成就

What had been the focus of my entire adult life was gone,and it was devastating.


In recent years the new government has been working to improve the living conditions of farmers (devote....... to) 2 specifically created for children has now become more and more programs 3 in accordance with the parents that if he as to do so, it would be impossible to achieve such great medical achievements of 4 Mulan女扮男装for well-known story of the father of military service 5 only you grow up, you can understand your parents do all the only

1近几年来新政府一直致力于改善农民的生活条件(devote。。。。。。。to 2专门为孩子们创作的节目现在变得越来越多(intend for 3如果他按照父母说的那样去做的话,就不可能在医学上取得如此巨大的成就(behave 4花木兰女扮男装,替父从军的故事家喻户晓(dress sb 5只有你长大了,你才能理解父母为你做的一切(only 要用到括号里的单词,要人工翻译,不是机器翻译

Yusheng company has entered the administrative council of medical macromolecule branch association of China Medical Device Industry Association and vice president of Zhejiang Medical Device Industry Association.because of the YUSHENG people's persistent devotement to the human health industry and numerous customers'consistent support,YUSHENG company gains the great achievement,"the jade is valuable,but rising has no limits",YUSHENG people will abide by the conscientious and practical style to devote their life to the human health industry.


Jude's Children's Hospital, The Lawyers' Committee for Civil Rights, and Plaza de la Raza (a cultural center in East L.A.) as well as his own foundation Vivo del Mondo, which seeks to bridge the gap between African American and Hispanic students through education. His greatest personal achievement was being drafted by an NBA team ... Kobe and his wife Vanessa have two daughters, Natalia Diamante and Gianna Maria Onore.

Jude's儿童医院····人权律师委员会和Plaza de la Raza洛杉矶东部的一个文化中心··作为自己的基金会··Vivo del Mondo··是南非和西班牙学生通过教育的而建立的桥梁········他的个人伟大的成就被记录到了一只NBA球队········科比和他的妻子瓦内萨有 2个女儿···纳塔里亚和安娜·玛丽亚·诺尔

Despite such Dickensian manifestations at home, however, China is now a huge success in many respects, lauded — and feared — here and elsewhere abroad as both the workshop and potential leader of the capitalist world.


And their most important achievement, in Mr Dickey's estimation, is to have turned New York's multicultural diversity to their advantage, building up a team of more than 600 linguists fluent in some 50 languages and dialects. In 2007 NYPD analysts published a 90-page booklet,"Radicalization in the West", seeking to pass on what they had learnt about the home-grown threat in Europe and America.


Education in a society fulfils the Marxist dictum "the point however is to change it."


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This paper discusses design and realizable methods of remote test output interface from logical design angle.


This also 星体投射plies to buildings, structures and geological features.


We all hope for a better life.
