英语人>网络例句>成就 相关的搜索结果


与 成就 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Nurtured by the teaching of eminent praeceptors, a youth equipped in the highest degree with the advantages of birth, personal beauty, commanding presence, an excellent education combined with native talents, Tiberius, as quaestor when he was eighteen years old, gave early promise of becoming the great man he now is, and already by his look revealed the prince.


Through correlative analysis and path analysis, it finds that (1) the family environment and the colleges and universities environment have direct and indirect influence on self-identity development of students; and (2) the family environment and the colleges and universities environment exert the major effect on self-identity development of students through identity style as mediational variable, so identity style becomes the explanatory base of self-identity status. That is, the predictive effect of diffuse/avoidant identity style for identity diffusion, normative identity style for identity foreclosure, and information identity style for identity achievement respectively is most significant; and (3) family environment that is helpful, supportive, warm, expressive, and promote autonomy and independence possibly makes students form identity achievement or identity moratorium, family environment that is excessively cohesive and warm but lacking independence possibly promote students to form identity foreclosure, and family environment that lacks of supportive and warm possibly make students form identity diffusion; and (4) colleges and universities environments that have better relationship system, clear developmental purpose, and promote to pay attention to societal concerns, critical and explorative qualities, and provide healthy, expressive, democratic, open atmosphere facilitate identity development, in turn form advanced identity. Colleges and universities environments that only emphasize the receival of colleges and universities aims, order and instilments, and scarcely encourage critique, exploration, individuation possibly make students form identity foreclosure. However, the ones that is remote relationship system, and lacking support, and students don't cognize the aim of colleges and universities possibly make students form identity diffusion.


There is no achievement for doing this, however I wouldn't blame Blizzard one bit if they went in and retroactively added one just for Cautious.

完成这件事是没有成就的,如果他们能知道并且追加一个这样的成就仅仅是因为 cautious ,当然这是不可能的,即使这样,我也一点不怪暴雪。

The sagaciousness and the wonderful mien of one era presidents could create a millennium and stick up for the safety and honour of the candied princess , but a democratic and scientific politics system could make the happiness, prosperity and peace forever.


As for the sources of economic disparity, our models partially validated the human capital theory because educational qualifications were significant variables, in fact the most significant variables in determining an individual's chance of accessing the salariat class and avoiding being found in the non-skilled and unemployed category.


The three great essentials to achieving anything worthwhile are:Hard work,Stick-to-itiveness,and Common sense.


Your choice of options for those that designed this achievement are somewhat stilted.


The differences of different demographic variables of team cohesion among handball players in universities and high schools: there was no difference in the universities' players with gender, age, team participating time, years for getting along with the coach, the highest achievement, training time a day, and training frequency a week; there was no difference in the high schools' players with age, team participating time, years for getting along with the coach, the highest achievement, and training time a day, but there was significant difference in the players with gender.


We said above that the peasants have accomplished a revolutionary task which had been left unaccomplished for many years and have done an important job for the national revolution.


The battles of yesteryear, he said, were over, and there had been a "broad convergence of vision."


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No clear conclusions can be made about the predictie alidity of specific measures, they found, except for criteria for the underuse of drugs for cardioascular disease.


The third and last is that almost all of them, being infinite in number, have been impostures, and by idle and crafty brains merely contrived and feigned after the event past.


This horse had the power of speech and was sure to win all the car riageraces in ece.
