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与 成功地 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The low-dimensional Galerkin method is generalized to solve the flow around arbi-trarily translating circular cylinder.Active control problems of wakes behind circularcylinders are numerically investigated by only small number of modes.The in-line andtransverse oscillation of a circular cylinder with proper frequency produce Karman vor-tex street successfully in some subcritical regime,vhereas the transverse oscillation of acircular cylinder with 1.8 times the natural shedding frequency can effectively suppressthe Karman vortex street at a slightly supercritical Re.


Do not commit yourself;commit oneself to a promise;例析: 1, In the last decade, however, we have sought to fulfill the goal with greater zeal, greater commitment, and greater success than at any period in our history.


Do not commit yourself;commit oneself to a promise;例析: 1, In the last decade, however, we have sought to fulfill the goal with greater z eal, greater commitment, and greater success than at any period in our history.


A few robots cross in the unreal time of days, or they bump into furniture, or conk out after three-quarters of the way. In December 1990, after a decade of effort, graduate students at Carnegie Mellon University 's Field Robotics Center wired together a robot that slowly walked all the way across a courtyard. Maybe 100 feet in all.

有些机器人要么撞大运挪了一段,要么一头撞到家具,要么走完四分之三就出故障。1990年12月,努力了10年之后, Carnegie Mellon University 's Field Robotics Cente的研究室们组装了一台机器人,缓慢费力地但还是成功地走过了约100英尺宽的院子。

The coxswain told me how to lay the ship to; after a good many trials I succeeded, and we both sat in silence, over another meal.


This became a new factor obstructing economic growth. To emerge from this situation the government took steps to expand domestic demand and turned determinately from a moderately contractive monetary and fiscal policy to an active fiscal policy and a steady monetary policy. During 1998—2002 these policies were carried out with satisfactory results. Through the above two occasions of macro-economic adjustment and co-ordination, we accumulated useful experiences not only in combating inflation and in soft-landing, but also in acquiring a new understanding on how to expand domestic demand and deal with deflation.


We have obtained the following main significant results:(1) A master constraint operator for LQG is constructed, which is shown to be self-adjoint in the diffeomorphism invariant Hilbert space. Thus it lays a foundation for the master contraint programme in LQG;(2) The Immirzi parameter ambiguity in LQG is fixed by introducing supersymmetry, which leads to the conclusion that in the case where matter fields are coupled LQG might prefer supersymmetry in low energy;(3) The current accelerating expansion of our universe is successfully explained in the context of 5-dimensional Brans-Dicke theory, which gives a natural strategy to solve the dark energy problem.


The CSD algorithm is shown to be efficient design method for complex system in parallel, and can search out better design for mixed continuous/discrete system in very reasonable number of system analysis compared to traditional optimization method, and is able to deal with the issue of dynamic design requirements.


The system which not only has the ability to organize, store and manage the data effectively, but also has the ability to analysis the data and appreciate the effectualness of testing result intelligently has been applied in a testing plant of weaponry industry suc...

这个系统已在某兵器试验场实现,证明其能有效地组织、存贮、管理数据,且能用专家知识对数据进行智能分析,对试验结果的有效性进行鉴别。这个系统在开发中还成功地解决了专家系统与外部数据库的接口和西文Turbo Prolog的汉化问题。

Using successfully numerical control jet electroforming to make Nano copper which has very good mechanics character..


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It seems likely that Kraft will return with a better offer.


But he'd rather burn off my feelers and watch me squirm.


He consistance of the population dissociation coefficient method andthe sample dissociation coefficient method for the calculation of structural reliabilityin solid rocket motors was reviewed.
