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与 成功地 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

A country in the Apennines near the Adriatic Sea. It is surrounded by Italy and is the world's smallest republic. According to tradition, it was founded in the fourth century a.d. and has succeeded, with a few brief interruptions, in maintaining its independence because of its relative inaccessibility.

圣马利诺:世界上最小的共和国,位于亚平宁山脉靠近亚得里亚海沿岸,周围被意大利环抱,传统上认为它建于公元 4世纪,并且因为它相对难以接近,而成功地保持了独立,有几次短暂地失去独立。

The first assignment successfully converts the lambda expression to the delegate type Func because, when x is given type int, x+1 is a valid expression that is implicitly convertible to type int.

第一个赋值成功地转换 lambda 表达式到 delegate 类型 Func ,是因为当 x 是 int 型, x+1 是一个有效的表达式并可以隐式地转换到类型 int 。

At last, the algorithms are combined into an automatic video object segmentation schema, which can separate motion foreground from stationary background and extract video object plane from video image sequence in succeed.


If Li Yi succeeds in responsibly rais in g her concerns before the board and avoids blam in g specific persons, other solutions might surface.


Anyhow in he rolled after his successful libation - cum - potation , introducing an atmosphere of drink into the soire , boisterously trolling , like a veritable son of a seacook :- the biscuits was as hard as brass , and the beef as salt as lot s wife s arse


Anyhow in he rolled after his successful libation- cum -potation, introducing an atmosphere of drink into the soir閑, boisterously trolling, like a veritable son of a seacook


While she has that distinctive sexiness of a Bond girl she also holds her own quite well, succeeding as a character and not just a piece of eye candy.


The influence of social environment upon the university student′s socialization has its own peculiar chara...


This paper NCP1207 (switching power supply chips PWM control)+ S3F9454 (charger chip integrated management control of) the principle of the Ni-cd, Ni-MH battery charger for the working principle of the system design and analysis, intelligent fast Ni-cd, Ni-MH battery charger of the design process, and in the mature Ni-cd, Ni-MH battery charger on the basis succeeded in achieving effective in preventing Ni-cd, Ni-MH battery charge in the case of fast The charge-off phenomenon.

本文结合NCP1207(开关电源PWM控制芯片)+ S3F9454(充电器集成控制管理芯片)的原理对Ni-cd、Ni-MH电池充电器的工作原理进行了系统的开发设计及分析,实现快速智能Ni-cd、Ni-MH电池充电器的设计过程,并在成熟Ni-cd、Ni-MH电池充电器基础上,成功地实现了有效地防止Ni-cd、Ni-MH电池在快充情况下的过充现象。

A nonaquous capi l l ary e l ecbophoretic chira l separation of l , l '-bi-2-naphtho l with a new chira l se l ector N-benzy l cinchonine ch l oride is described in this paper.


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It seems likely that Kraft will return with a better offer.


But he'd rather burn off my feelers and watch me squirm.


He consistance of the population dissociation coefficient method andthe sample dissociation coefficient method for the calculation of structural reliabilityin solid rocket motors was reviewed.
