英语人>网络例句>戊巴比妥 相关的搜索结果


与 戊巴比妥 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Objective To investigate the effects of microinjection of pentobarbital sodium into basolateral amygdaloid nucleus on sleep and behavior.

目的 观察基底外侧杏仁核内注射戊巴比妥钠对睡眠和行为的影响。

Objective To compare and Analysis the anaesthetic effects of different doses of pentobarbital sodium in dogs.


METHODS: Adipose was obtained from regions surrounding epididymis, retroperitoneal space and nape after anesthesis by pentobarbital, and adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells could be harvested through type Ⅰ collagenase digestion. ADSCs were incubated in vitro and purified by differential adhesion.

戊巴比妥耳缘静脉麻醉,依次无菌取出附睾附近脂肪垫、腹膜后脂肪、颈背部脂肪,I型胶原酶酶解法分离出脂肪源间充质干细胞(adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells,ADSCs),进行体外传代后差速贴壁培养纯化。

It is an excellent and safe method to anesthetize Tibet mini-pigs using pentobarbital sodium in combination with sumianxin Ⅱ.


MethodsThe pharmacological effects of the Ziziphus jujube leaf extract on the autonomic activities of mice, the time of sleep induced by pentobarbital sodium, the sleeping synergistic action of mice with barbital sodium at sub-threshold and hypnotic dosages and the central inhibitory effects in mice induced by amphetamine were investigated.


Wister rats can be anesthesiaed by 3% Barbital- natrium (0.1ml/100g ip), then rat can be immobilitied on the operation table and makes a 2cm abdominal-median-mcision to detach abdomial aorta and uses seven-size suture silk to ligate abdomial aorta with seven-size needle, and draw out probe. At the same time rats were injected ten-myriad-unit Benzylpenicillin into abdominal cavity and sutured abdominal cavity.

取Wistar大鼠115只用3%戊巴比妥钠(按0.1ml/100g ip)麻醉,将动物固定于手术台上,腹部正中切口2cm后钝性分离腹主动脉,在肾动脉分枝上用7号缝合线将腹主动脉与7号针头一起结扎,然后抽出探针形成腹主动脉狭窄(约50%),同时腹腔一次性注射青霉素10万单位关腹缝合。

The results show that Decoction for Clearing Gallbladder Heat can reduce the behaviors of rats , increase the slumber time of rats with Barbitone and 5-HT and 5-HIAA in rats brains .


This subject aimed at observing the behaviors of rats, working in coordination with Barbitone , and assay of neural matter to verify it has influence on improve the slumber.


Positive inotropic effects and safety margin of milrinone had been compared with ouabain on ailing heart model in cats and guinea-pigs.


MethodsThe pharmacological effects of the Ziziphus jujube leaf extract on the autonomic activities of mice, the time of sleep induced by pentobarbital sodium, the sleeping synergistic action of mice with barbital sodium at sub-threshold and hypnotic dosages and the central inhibitory effects in mice induced by amphetamine were investigated.


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The X-ray diffract was used to analyze the crystal structure of the composite. Results show that after the talc was treated with blend coupling agent, the crystal structure of talc changed, and effect Intercalation phenomenon.


An authentic Maui wedding might require the services of a 'kahu', which is a Hawaiian minister.


Funds involving such cases are limited and there is no huge capital flight.
