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与 懂 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Answer: this problem can see you on this thing is very understand, you ask is same, but according to the selection for ink on the customer to you, the difference is big, brunet dress and light-colored clothes ink is different, the price difference also many, homebred a lot, but not the color reduction, I used a Japanese, is printed light-colored clothes (actually means white color, sublimation ink) six more ml.


S doing the talking, but whoever it is, their bubble is popping up all over.


Some people think that writing should make the best use of the Java programming tool, used UltraEdit is re-create the wheel, so the beginning of the school to use JBuilder, in fact, he used to write the Lao Bantian JBuilder GUI procedures, which day he called back with a text editor to write a simple Frame Button Xie Buchu he has to, because he Meinong Dong from the Java event handling model.

有人认为写Java程序应该善用工具,用UltraEdit根本是重新造轮子的行为,所以一开始就学JBuilder的使用,其实他用JBuilder写了老半天GUI程序,哪天回头叫他用文字编辑器写个简单的Frame Button他却写不出来,因为他从没弄过Java的事件处理模型。

B:I see your point,buddy,but I


I see your point, buddy, but I


I don ' t understand , but i can tell it ' s bullshit


He kept bumbling on about his operation, but I did not really understand all the details.


He kept bumbling on about his operation , but I didn't really understand all e details .


L: Yeah, she was definitely a country bumpkin. Were you able to

H: 嗯,我是有点听不太她说的话;她有一点乡村口音。

The next night my dream is simitar to the previous nights,but without the bunter .


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The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
