英语人>网络例句>慢动作的 相关的搜索结果


与 慢动作的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

But sometimes we'll be allowed to select what shots we want to animate, and our choice might be motivated by the type of shot: action, slow-moving, emotional moments, or just by a particular character.


So when I was around 14 and my younger sister wanted to get her ears pierced, I had a moment of stunning clarity, like one of those kung fu slow motions in a Crouching Tiger film, where I realized that drilling a hole in your ear lobe is just…well…odd.


Of course, what you really should be purchasing is a video tape of the 1995 Orange Bowl. Your Chairman views this classic nightly, switching to slow motion for the fourth quarter. Our cover color this year is a salute to Nebraska's football coach, Tom Osborne, and his Cornhuskers, the country's top college team. I urge you to wear Husker red to the annual meeting and promise you that at least 50% of your managerial duo will be in appropriate attire.

当然大家绝对不能错过的是1995年橘子杯的录像带,本人利用晚上的时间观看这场经典的赛事,甚至还用慢动作播放精彩的第四节,我们以今年封面的颜色表示对内布拉斯加美式足球队教练-Tom Osborne以及其所带领的全美最佳队伍-Cornhuskers队的敬意,我敦促大家一定要穿Huskers队的红色出席今年的股东会,而我也可以向各位保证Berkshire的经营双人组会有50%以上穿著正确的服色出席。

Vaulters A's center of gravity undulates with slower speed than vaulter B's in its Locus; besides, the curve of the locus also shows that vaolter A has larger undulation. The slowness in speed and great scale of undulation are the direct Proofs that affect the score of A pole vaulter, s performance.


When she belatedly recorded the full cycle, with Riccardo Chailly and the Berlin Radio Symphony Orchestra, in 1986, her performance was notable for the devotional serenity she brought to the slow movements and her fleet but dignified renderings of the Allegros.

在1986年,与Riccardo Chailly和柏林广播交响乐团(Berlin Radio Symphony Orchestra)合作完成的这张迟来的专辑中,对她的作品有完整的记录。她表演的点睛之处在于那慢悠的肢体动作中所呈现的虔诚和静谧,抑或是那急速的乐章中演绎出的轻快而又不失庄严之感。

There was one heart-in-mouth moment for Cathcart, as his errant header ricocheted off his own crossbar ("It was like slow motion. Those Adidas balls move around a lot," he admitted), but he is eager for more senior action this season.


As if in slow motion, he watched as the hangman placed his hand upon the trap door lever while Barthilas raised his arm, ready to give the signal that would end the orc's life.


So when I was around 14 and my younger sister wanted to get her ears pierced, I had a moment of stunning clarity, like one of those kung fu slow motions in a Crouching Tiger film, where I realized that drilling a hole in your ear lobe is just…well…odd.


Brazilian jujutsu master Rorion Gracie agrees: More important than doing the move fast is to focus on doing the move right at slow speed many times.


Fu is a stylized slow-mo sequence with men on both sides holding umbrellas with the surreal air of a Magritte painting.


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You were hired to drum up new business, so go and do it.


Who is in possession of this?
