英语人>网络例句>感觉像 相关的搜索结果


与 感觉像 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Trying to lay down a personal sense is like trying to lay down a piece of flypaper.


Trying to lay down a personal sense is like trying to lay down a piece of flypaper . The more you attempt to put it down , the more firmly it sticks!


Like Whitney or Olga, we may screw up in precisely the places we want most to succeed, not realizing that we're subconsciously trying to force a resolution, to stop the anxious feeling that's hanging over our heads, to lose the job rather than continue to worry about a pink slip.

就像Whitney 或者Olga一样,我们也许会在最希望成功之处弄糟糕,而没有意识到我们潜意识地在硬拽出一个解答,在停止悬在我们头上的焦虑感觉,去丢掉那份工作而不是要继续担心被解雇。

I'm sitting on the piano writing in the foyer, and he's in the studio, and it's like, 'Hey.


There was a few minutes that the aircraft was down down and feeling like free-fall.


I had never realized how much a cigarette feels like a french fry. in conclusion, cigarettes dont taste very good when you bite into them. fml

我从来都没意识到香烟感觉上和薯条很像——结论是,咬开香烟的味道并不怎么样 fml

I had never realized how much a cigarette feels like a french fry. In conclusion, cigarettes don't taste very good when you bite into them. FML

我从来都没意识到香烟感觉上和薯条很像——结论是,咬开香烟的味道并不怎么样 FML

But now, I feel like I'm the flower trying to bloom in snow,frigid around me!


I feel like a fish released from a pot into the water of the Ganges.


He recalled his father's vision at Gaya before his own birth and felt that in the temple of Vishnu he would become permanently absorbed in God.


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What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
