英语人>网络例句>感觉上 相关的搜索结果


与 感觉上 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The results showed thattrichoid sensillum consists of a cuticular hair and three sensory neurons.Thehair wall is penetrated by many pores.The lumen of the hair is filled withsensillum fluid within which the dendrites of the neurons are immersed.


And not only would our sensorium, the screen through which we receive the world, be different: we would think with a different mind, interpret all our experience differently, draw different conclusions from the things that befall us.


From the narrow point of view, prenatal education mainly refers to the basis of fetal growth and development of the sensory organ the actual situation in a targeted manner, and actively take the initiative to give reasonable information to stimulate appropriate to establish a conditioned reflex the fetus, thereby promoting their brain function, somatic motor function, sensory function and sophisticated function of the nervous system.


Feuerbachs views on human essence, whose fundamental principle is sensualism or perceptual insight, are established on the basis of criticizing Hegel's idealist views on human essence.


An improved Character-base Ant Colony Algorithm based on Character-base Ant Colony Algorithm and sentience consciousness characters is presented in this paper.


What happened between the first two-way-communicating animal and the first communicating people why landed on Hawaii was a continuing process of extending the senses farther and farther so as to command more information; extending the voice and gestures Farther and farther so as to deliver more information; making one's messages always more portable, more separable from oneself both in space and time, Considered that way, Marshall McLuhan's metaphor of the media as extensions of man is sound history, although the process was under way long before there were any media as we now know them.


At first, a kind of sereneness mounted on my mind, everything seemed quiet down.


I wanted to set my feelings down on paper.


When you set foot on the summit of a mountain when I do not know what you feel.


To echoed around the bar were also bolster sewing fabric blue on the circle, and the sofa on the right side of the flowers, sewing kits and hand on the blue and white package, the refreshing feeling of summer brings out subtle, but also to light too monotonous brown sofa.


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What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
