英语人>网络例句>感觉上 相关的搜索结果


与 感觉上 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Like Whitney or Olga, we may screw up in precisely the places we want most to succeed, not realizing that we're subconsciously trying to force a resolution, to stop the anxious feeling that's hanging over our heads, to lose the job rather than continue to worry about a pink slip.

就像Whitney 或者Olga一样,我们也许会在最希望成功之处弄糟糕,而没有意识到我们潜意识地在硬拽出一个解答,在停止悬在我们头上的焦虑感觉,去丢掉那份工作而不是要继续担心被解雇。

He picked up his second foul two minutes later while Yao tried to get position on offense.


Brief Synopsis: For one and a half years, filmmakers Ulrike Franke and Michael Loeken watch as a gigantic industrial site is dismantled, documenting the stories accompanying its disappearance: how the coke workers in the industrial Ruhr Region experience the arrival and working methods of the Chinese, their feelings upon seeing their pride in their work vanish along what was the most modern coke factory in the world, but also the strain and conflicts the Chinese workers are subjected to during their 60-hour work week far away from home and family, caught between euphoria and doubts about their future.


For someone like me, who had barely known his father, who had spent much of his life traveling from place to place, his bloodlines scattered to the four winds, the home that Frasier and Marian Robinson had built for themselves and their children stirred a longing for stability and a sense of place that I had not realized was there.


It's happened to me before with Fog's 10th Avenue Freakout album on LEX Records and to a lesser extent Nostalgia 77's debut LP way back when, but that's exactly how I felt 8 weeks ago when I received an inconspicuous package containing the relatively unannounced new 2562 record, Unbalance.

这是发生在我之前,雾的第十大道Freakout 专辑关于特别法记录和在较小程度上的乡愁77的首张唱片遥想当年,但是这也正是我的感觉8周前,当我接到一个不显眼的包包含相对突击新 2562 记录,不平衡。

Once again I felt the frigid breath of mortality at my neck.


Frilling, beading, netting, even the hint of a petticoat under a particularly flouncy skirt, suggested a subversive assault on masculine certitudes, but the jackets and tailcoat embossed with a circular motif, or the splotchy print of photons pinging around on a suit were less ambiguous. Likewise, the barbed-wire design embossed on a top.


Thus many in the industrial lands have a sense that their world of plenty is somehow hollow-that, misled by a consumerist culture, they have been fruitlessly attempting to satisfy what are essentially social, psychological and spiritual needs with material things.


Most of these managers have no need to work for a living; they show up at the ballpark because they like to hit home runs. And that's exactly what they do. Their combined financial statements (including those of some smaller operations), shown on page 49, illustrate just how outstanding their performance is. On an historical accounting basis, after-tax earnings of these operations were 57% on average equity capital. Moreover, this return was achieved with no net leverage: Cash equivalents have matched funded debt. When I call off the names of our managers - the Blumkin, Friedman and Heldman families, Chuck Huggins, Stan Lipsey, and Ralph Schey - I feel the same glow that Miller Huggins must have experienced when he announced the lineup of his 1927 New York Yankees. Let's take a look, business by business: o In its first year with Berkshire, Borsheim's met all expectations. Sales rose significantly and are now considerably better than twice what they were four years ago when the company moved to its present location.

大部分的管理人根本就不需要为了讨生活而工作,他们参加球队的原因只是为了要击出全垒打,事实上这正是他们常常有的表现,他们合并的财务报表,显示他们的表现是如此的优异,以历史投资成本做基准,他们现在每年的税后盈余高达平均股东权益的 57%,更甚者,他们并不靠举债,帐上所拥有的现金就足以清偿所有的借款,当我念到这些管理人的名字- the Blumkin, Friedman, Heldman families, Chuck Huggins, Stan Lipsey 与 Ralph Schey ,这感觉就好象是名教练 Miller Huggins 在宣布 1927 纽约洋基队的先发阵容一样。

Suzanne Vega - Tom's Dinner I am sitting in the morning At the diner on the corner I am waiting at the counter For the man to pour the coffee And he fills it only halfway And before I even argue He is looking out the window At somebody coming in "It is always nice to see you" Says the man behind the counter To the woman who has come in She is shaking her umbrella And I look the other way As they are kissing their hellos I'm pretending not to see them And instead I pour the milk And I open up the paper There's a story of an actor Who had died while he was drinking It was no one I had heard of And I'm turning to the horoscope And looking for the funnies When I'm feeling someone watching me And so I raise my head There's a woman on the outside Looking inside. Does she see me?

清晨, 我坐在拐角处的小饭馆在吧台前,等那个男人给我倒咖啡他居然只倒了一半的量---我正想跟他抗议他看向窗外,有人快要进来"见到你总是很高兴"吧台后的男人对进来的女人说女人正抖落伞上的水珠我转头看向另一边他们亲吻对方装着没有注意他们我倒了些牛奶打开报纸有篇关于一个演员的文章在他饮酒时死去不过是某个人物罢了我开始看星象栏目寻找有趣的东西突然感觉有人在注视我于是抬起头外面有个女人正看向里面她看见我了么?

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What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
