英语人>网络例句>感觉上 相关的搜索结果


与 感觉上 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The company has manufactured some products with the function of attemperation and diathermancy, which improving the therapeutic effect, so making you use more comfortable, and this is a huge advancement in the conception of Medium-Frequency Electrotherapy.


The restaurant's striking appearance - of a glass box floating effortlessly above a shaped landscape - owes its diaphanous presence to an innovative materials palette of high-tech glass that includes colored inner layers, dichromatic and translucent films, and ceramic fritting.


I know how to hurt I know how to kill I know what to show And what to conceal I know when to talk And I know when to touch No one ever die from wanting to much The world is not enough But it is such a perfect place to start, my love And if you're strong enough Together we can take the world apart, my love People like us Know how to survive There's no point in living If you can't feel the life We know when to kiss And we know when to kill If we can't have it all Then nobody will The world is not enough But it is such a perfect place to start, my love And if you're strong enough Together we can take the world apart, my love I - I feel sick I - I feel scared I - I feel ready I - And yet unprepared The world is not enough But it is such a perfect place to start, my love And if you're strong enough Together we can take the world apart, my love The world is not enough The world is not enough

今天和一群人看了加勒比海盗2,天哪,那个盗版DVD翻译的字幕实在太差了。害得我剧情都没有理解清楚,只知道大概就是那个"章鱼男"要和主人公们抢一个心脏。其中一位在我身边的观众估计是第1部没有看,居然当最后一幕巴博萨船长出现时,奇怪的问道:这是谁啊?我晕,估计他也懒得补看第一部了。看不懂剧情挺遗憾,不过我无所谓,反正我把这片定义为视觉大餐而已,没想一定要弄懂什么剧情。从全片角度来看看来"加勒比海盗"要走"黑客帝国"、"星球大战"的路线--第一集试探市场反应,第二集留个悬念,第三集大收尾。整个续集来看,除了又两段搞笑成分较浓的动作戏外,没感觉什么新意了。影片前半部分的那段丛林戏,跟"金刚"几乎是一摸一样。同时看过这两部电影的人不知会作何感想。表演上还算到位,Johnny Deep的表现最为出色,就是暂时不知道最后一集他怎么出场。两部加勒比海盗的配乐都相当出色,颇有"角斗士"的味道。视觉大片而已嘛,不计较太多,看看而已,一笑而过。。。

I felt a hand dig into my shoulder and then I was jerked from the car.


And then suddenly that wonderful moment he puts on the dinner jacket, oh, was just terrific.


Woman had an indescribable inner feeling that this was not how things should be on their first night in bed (or in existence, for that matter), and disdainfully flung man's notebook from the nightstand.


But everyone at the table has a job to do, and they were doing it. So the group sat and sat, looking glamorous, and after a while, they got in Mr. Roque's limousine and went to the Tunnel, where Mr. Roque danced dispiritedly with one of the girls and then realized he was bored up to his eyeteeth and went home alone.

但是席间的每个人都似乎有事可做,并乐于此道,于是这群人就这么极具魅惑地干坐着,过了一阵子,他们一同坐上Roque先生的豪华轿车前往Tunnel, Roque先生无精打采地和其中一个女孩跳了一会儿舞,而后感觉到自己实在是烦的要命了,才独自一人打道回府。

I just have a feeling of dissatisfaction with life in general.


He closed his eyes and sent his consciousness diving inward towards the waiting pool of silver rage, felt it race like liquid lightning through his blood.


I am hunted by the future, will the future be my past?Or is time a fade-out picture of my everlasting cast?Love is phasing, love is moving to the rhythm of your sight...I get closer to the crossing point of light.Sanctus, Sanctus Dominus, Deus Sabaoth.Pleni sunt caeli et terra gloriae.Hosanna in excelsis. Benedictus...Let us try to live our lost illusions; they're the sun at nightIf we don't, we'll never taste the spice of life

乐曲在安静的音乐背景下,由深沉的女声独白带出,独白引用了上一首曲子的歌词"眼光决定爱的运动阶段,黑暗中接近光的交叉点",在紧凑的节奏下,男声和吟唱出现,那是对轮回的期盼和欣喜,在音乐升华气氛的衬托下,给人心灵放飞的感觉,仿佛可以看到生命之光的完美闪现,随之, Cretu 登场,又是让人共鸣的歌词:让我们尽量去生活在失去的幻想中,那是夜晚中的太阳,如果不能这样,我们将不能体会生活的意味。

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What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
