英语人>网络例句>感觉上 相关的搜索结果


与 感觉上 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

I should, I think, have had nothing left me to desire 8ttt8.com for the eyes of the coxswain as they followed me derisively about the deck, the odd smile that appeared continually on his face.

这是一个糟老头子的微笑,一定 www.8 tt t8.com 程度 www.8 tt t8.com 上显现出他的痛苦和衰竭;但是 dddTt ,除此之外,他的微笑总给人一种冷嘲热讽的感觉,好像有些图谋不轨。

If the product's operation produced a feeling of anticipation and coziness, subjects found it favorable.


A feeling of happiness crept over him.


The useful and important tests of sensibility are: testing the vibratory sensation with tuning fork, vibrometer testing for vibratory thresholds, von Frey testing (determined by Semmes- Weinstein nylon monofilaments or Pressure- Specifying Discriminator) for cutaneous pressure thresholds, measurement of static and moving two- point discrimination with the Disk- Criminator, Moberg's ninhydrin test, O'Rain skin wrinkling test, Picking- up test, Tinel's sign and electrodiagnostic test.

此文对临床上重要且实用的皮肤感觉功能测定方法如音叉皮肤振动觉定性检查、振动觉阈的振动器定量测定、Semmes-Weinstein尼龙单丝或Pressure-SpecifyingDiscri minator行皮肤压觉阈的测定、用Disk-Criminator进行静止和运动的两点辨别觉测定、茚三酮试验、O'Rain指腹皮肤皱缩试验、捡物试验、Tinel's征电生理检查以及这些检查方法在神经断裂、神经卡压及神经损伤或修复后的恢复等情况中的应用和评价作一讨论。

In color, the red and white symmetry gives Yanli, crisper color sense.


As I went up the hills and stood in the crispiness of the chilly fall air, I was in complete awe of the expansive glorious view below.


Sup2; The Croissant with our**coffee tastes very good, would you like to try it again?


And was so touched and pleased by that confiding little kiss that all his crustiness vanished, and he just set her on his knee, and laid his wrinkled cheek against her rosy one, feeling as if he had got his own little grand daughter back again.


When the reporter stopped feeling countless mini-meteorites falling on his head and, instead, saw many pairs of legs flocking around his desk, he quickly yanked off a cuff button and clambered out from underneath the desk. He held up the button to show his colleagues. They were not convinced, but didn't want to pry into his privacy, so they all dispersed.


My house is now one year old baby and eight days, and now school二指pinch objects, recognize facial features, using a small barbed Zaza massage ball to her, and bound feet massage, baby to find her mother to identify more with your baby out of touch with nature and more and contact with children, to identify the number of baby fingers, etc., to the baby building blocks, so that he felt percussion, the small things will be in a cup, so that your baby from the inside out, add into your baby's choice training, the cup mouth cover, shake a distance, in holding an empty cup, shaking a distance, so that the initial awareness of cause and effect relationship between the baby because I did not bring his notes, we have only had the three classes, can only introduce so much, I hope useful for you!


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What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
