英语人>网络例句>感觉上 相关的搜索结果


与 感觉上 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

But Beira actually throughout is unable to Edward to dismiss from mind, when she will discover will carry on the dangerous the activity will feel with Edward incomparable being intimate with, therefore she rode the motorcycle heartily to step the journey which experienced dangers.


Ever wonder what it would feel like to see your face on a 5 dollar bill? A postage stamp?


K: So , first we have to get feeling with our board , start doing one foot exercises on the floor before take the lift , don't have fear and feel positive , you have to listen to the feedback from your feet and use the edges (back / front) correctly on the snow , before start you have to be able to brake the board ..

想滑得好,你必须要能抓到板子的感觉;上 lift 前先在家里练习单脚站立,下 lift 会比较轻松;学滑雪之前,先学会煞车;用心体会从板子传到你脚上的脉动,正确地使用板边来操控滑雪;心理建设是很重要的一环,别害怕,摔跤是必然的,打不过它,就用愉快的心情来面对它;只要你有心,就一定会进步,其实 90%的困难都是你自己在吓自己,没那麼困难的啦

The driver is a silent middle aged man. It seemed that he only know where we went. Never spoke to us during his driving. We felt that we were running in the wild prairie, with plain road, bushiness. But now we were expected to meet a troop of elephants. Really.


Robert had directed the cabman to drop him at the corner of Chancery-lane, and he ascended the brilliantly-lighted staircase leading to the dining saloon of The London, and seated himself at one of the snug tables with a confused sense of emptiness and weariness, rather than any agreeable sensation of healthy hunger.


But Gadadhar intuitively felt that the scholars, to use one of his own vivid illustrations, were like so many vultures, soaring high on the wings of their uninspired intellect, with their eyes fixed on the charnel -pit of greed and lust.


While he's slowed down slightly at 34, his stroke hasn't suffered a bit. He made 72 straight foul shots last season, breaking Larry Bird's Celtics record, and his 199 treys were second most in the league.


Obviously, I should've remained standing, but the leather pants I'd been wearing since the day before felt like they were permanently stuck to my legs, and the strappy sandals that hadn't bothered me so much on the plane were beginning to feel like long, flexible razor blades affixed to my heels and toes.


In fact, for all their nonconformity, he found that they tended to be conventional on the surface, just where less self-actualizing nonconformists tend to be the most dramatic.


Higgins, which we ordered to be burnt by the common hangman, as it well deserved, though we have no more to do with his Grace of Canterbury, than you have with the Archbishop of Dublin, whom you suffer to be abused openly, and by name, by that paltry rascal of an observatory; and lately upon an affair, wherein he had no concern; I mean, the business of the missionary of Drogheda, wherein our excellent primate was engaged, and did nothing but according to law and discretion


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What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
