- 推荐网络例句
Researchers in the United States have developed one for Newcastle disease in chickens, but so far there are no products for humans.
Iorence Chadwick is an excellent swimmer, whose every effort doesn't get pay after all.
LORENCE Chadwick是名出色的游泳选手,但是并不是她所有努力的付出都有成功的回报。
We are doing more good than we know, sowing seeds, starting streamlets, giving men true thoughts of Christ, to which they will refer one day as the first things that started them thinking of Him; and, of my part, I shall be satisfied if no great mausoleum is raised over my grave, but that simple souls shall gather there when I am gone, and say, He was a good man; he wrought no miracles, but he spake words about Christ, which led me to know Him for myself.