英语人>网络例句>恶化 相关的搜索结果


与 恶化 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The results indicated that comparing with Suzhou's economic state, the city's land use efficiency has a large space to be improved and its ecological environment quality index is rather low and has a worsening tendency, which should be paid on enough attention. The problem of social equitableness of land use is striking in Suzhou City. It is an important issue to adjust the conflicts between land use and society justice in the process of rapid urbanization.


If credit conditions deteriorate, banks and othercreditors will be far less patient with erring companies than they were.


More than 80% of the population and the cultivated lands and areas are located in the plains along the middle and lower reaches of these rivers (United Nations ESCAP,1997) It is known that water is of great important to run industry and agriculture well, and for humane beings supply. with the continually expanding demand from construction, industry, agriculture and consumer use, a serious problem exposed that the relation between water supply and water consumption has been worsening in recent year.

超过80%人口和耕种的土地和区域位于平原沿中间,并且更低的伸手可及的距离这些河(联合国ESCAP 1997)它为人道生存供应知道水是伟大重要很好跑产业和农业,和以连续地扩展需求从建筑、产业、农业和消费者用途,一个严重的问题暴露联系在给水和水消耗量之间在最近年恶化

Escapism can be useful in the short term. But neglected problems tend to get worse.


As his life ebbed away, the enigmatic ex-soldier who had ruled with a rod of iron for 32 years until 1998 was visited by two fellow retired autocrats—Malaysia's Mahathir Mohamed and Singapore's Lee Kuan Yew—who, naturally, emphasised his achievements as a statesman and staunch anti-communist.

随着身体状况逐渐恶化,这位退伍的老将军心安理得的强调他作为一名政治家和一位坚定的反共分子的功绩。他高深莫测,象谜一样。Suharto对这个国家的专制统治长达32年之久。直到1998年另外两个退出政坛的独裁家,马来西亚的Mahathir和新加坡的Lee Kuan Yew的来访才告终结。

And that will exacerbate things for all of us.


The latest round of job cuts will only exacerbate this problem.


Production of large quantities of products at the same time he continued to exacerbate the deterioration of the ecological environment.


I think that would only exacerbate a situation where people feel trapped by oppressive work schedules.


Do not let the mess on the ground exacerbate the mess in the skies above.


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This paper discusses design and realizable methods of remote test output interface from logical design angle.


This also 星体投射plies to buildings, structures and geological features.


We all hope for a better life.
