英语人>网络例句>性细胞遗传的 相关的搜索结果


与 性细胞遗传的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The progress of studies on Stylosanthes in the aspects of stylo anthracnose caused by the fungus Collectotrichum gloeosporioides and its genetic diversity and epidemiology, breeding, cytogenetics, cytobiology, tissue culture, protoplasm fusion, gene clone, genetic transformation, classification and molecular makers was reviewed in this paper.


The slurry was inoculated on a rocking bed and continued for about 4 weeks, then arsanilic acid was determined spectrophotometrically (450 nm) and the genotoxicity changes of arsanilic acid on earthworm coelomocytes were tested with comet assay (single cell gel electrophoresis test, SCGE) in 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 weeks, respectively.


3Genetic factors play a major role inthe control of immune regulation,such as the expression of cytokines.An analysisof TNF〓 gene polymorphism in IgAN and HSP nephritis is beneficial to better un-derstanding of immunogenetic abnormalities in these diseases.But further inves-tigation on a large scale is necessary in order to find out the susceptibility genes orthe markers for a closely-linked susceptibility locus.


objective to study the effects of active carbon nanoparticles on the genotoxicity and teratogenicity of mitomycin c.methods using pce micronuclear test, chinese hamster lung cell chromosome aberration experiment and rat teratogenicity, to observe the toxicity of free mmc and the mmc absorbed onto acnp on heredity and reproduction.

目的 检测纳米活性炭对丝裂霉素的遗传毒理及生殖毒理学效应的影响。方法采用小鼠骨髓嗜多染红细胞微核试验、中国仓鼠肺细胞染色体畸变试验及致畸试验对受试物acnp-mmc进行遗传毒性及致畸性检测。

Methods Using PCE micronuclear test, Chinese hamster lung cell chromosome aberration experiment and rat teratogenicity, to observe the toxicity of free MMC and the MMC absorbed onto ACNP on heredity and reproduction.

目的 检测纳米活性炭对丝裂霉素的遗传毒理及生殖毒理学效应的影响方法采用小鼠骨髓嗜染红细胞微核试验、中国仓鼠肺细胞染色体畸变试验及致畸试验对受试物ACNP-MMC进行遗传毒性及致畸性检测。

Morphology of the EPCs was observed, and the growth curve of the EPCs was investigated. Surface antigens of the EPCs were analyzed by the flow-cytometer. The capability of intaking the acetylated low-density lipoprotein of the EPCs was detected using fluoresencent chemical method. The vasoformative capability and genetic stability of EPCs were cultured in matrigel, and examined by karyotype analysis.

观察培养细胞的形态,测定其生长动力学,采用流式细胞仪及免疫细胞化学方法检测其表型,应用细胞荧光化学法分析EPCs对乙酰化低密度脂蛋白(acetylated low-density lipoprotein, ac-LDL)的摄取功能,Matrigel上培养并检测其形成血管能力,染色体核型分析其遗传稳定性,裸鼠实验、软琼脂实验观察致瘤性。

Apoptotic cells have immunogenicity,and may be the major source of autoantigens in lupus BXSB mice.Lupus gecnic factors and Yaa gene can potentiate the immunogenicity of apoptotic cells or accelerate their inducing the lupus nephritis.


ConclusionApoptotic cells have immunogenicity,and may be the major source of autoantigens in lupus BXSB mice.Lupus genetic factors and Yaa gene can potentiate the immunogenicity of apoptotic cells or accelerate their inducing the lupus nephritis.


Apoptotic cells have immunogenicity,and may be the major source of autoantigens in lupus BXSB mice.Lupus genetic factors and Yaa gene can potentiate the immunogenicity of apoptotic cells or accelerate their inducing the lupus nephritis. Apoptosis; Mice,BXSB; Lupus erythematosus,systemic


Detail Contents: Genetic disorders -- Immune deficiencies -- Breast cancer -- Colon cancer -- Melanoma -- Cystic fibrosis -- Hemophilia -- Liver disease -- Cardiovascular disease -- Muscular dystrophy -- Alzheimer's disease -- Parkinson's disease -- Huntington's disease -- Viruses: the cornerstone of gene therapy -- Viruses are living crystals -- Viral genomes may be RNA or DNA -- Viruses evolved from plasmids -- Viruses know how to infect cells -- The virus as a gene vehicle -- Viruses used in gene therapy -- Ashi DeSilva: a promising start -- Clinical trials defined -- Cells of the immune system -- Adenosine deaminase -- Preliminary research -- Clinical procedure for ADA gene therapy -- The DeSilva clinical trial -- Jesse Gelsinger: down to earth -- Ornithine transcarbamylase -- Preliminary research -- Clinical procedure for OTC gene therapy -- The Gelsinger clinical trial -- The investigation -- Concluding remarks -- Future prospects -- Safer vehicles -- Reducing immune rejection of the vector -- Improved risk assessment -- Redesigning human anatomy and physiology -- Ethics of gene therapy -- The Belmont report -- Clinical trials -- Physiological enhancement -- Cosmetic applications -- Legal issues -- Regulatory agencies -- The Gelsinger legal trial -- International regulation -- Resource center -- Eucaryote cell primer -- Recombinant DNA primer -- The human genome project -- X-linked severe combined immunodeficiency (SCID-X1)-- Alzheimer's disease -- Huntington's disease.

细节内容︰遗传疾病-免疫的缺乏-乳腺癌-结肠癌-黑瘤-囊性纤维变性-血友症-肝疾病-心血管疾病-肌营养不良-早老性痴呆病-帕金森疾病-亨廷顿疾病-病毒︰基础的基因治疗-病毒在活著水晶--病毒的基因可能是RNA或者DNA --病毒从plasmids被逐步形成--病毒知道怎样感染细胞--作为一辆基因车辆的病毒--基因治疗使用的病毒-Ashi DeSilva︰有希望开始-临床试验确定--细胞的这免疫系统-Adenosine deaminase-初步研究-临床程式给埃达基因治疗--这DeSilva临床试验-婕西Gelsinger︰到地球-Ornithine transcarbamylase-初步研究-临床程式给OTC基因治疗-- Gelsinger临床试验-调查-达成评论-前景-更安全的车辆--矢量的降低免疫的拒绝-改进风险估计-重新设计人解剖学和生理学--伦理学的基因治疗-那些贝拉蒙特报告-临床试验-生理提升-美容应用-法律问题-协调机构-- Gelsinger 合法审讯-国际管理-资源中心人物-Eucaryote信元第一-Recombinant DNA 入门--人类基因工程-- X 连结的严重的结合的免疫缺陷(SCID-X1)-早老性痴呆病--亨廷顿的疾病。

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This paper demonstrated the impact on the environment today, an important factor is Education.


Article 16 The power to interpret these Procedures shall remain with the Ministry of Agriculture and CAA.


I am not quite sure if you can overcome the inertia.
